ISSN 1029-7200 (print)
ISSN 2948-0183 (online)
Bibliotechnyi visnyk
All the articles published in the journal undergo the double blind review, conducted by the editorial board, the specialists in the corresponding/appropriate sphere.
The reviewer conducts the review in duration of 10 days.
The reviewer evaluates the scientific-theoretical level of the article, its importance and practical value, the finality of the conducted research, argumentation insightfulness, the results, conclusion validation.
The reviewer gives the authors qualified help on improving the article (title, structure, shortenings, additions, specification of the these, etc.).
If the review has recommendations on article improvement, the editorial board returns the article to the autor, and after the author implements them, the editorial board accepts the article for reviewing again.
The final decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board.
The editorial board reserves the right to decline the article, if the author baselessly ignores the reviewer’s recommendations.
In case of the negative review, plagiarism or low quality of English translation the article is declined, and the editorial board is to send the author the substantial refusal.