ISSN 1029-7200 (print)
ISSN 2948-0183 (online)
Bibliotechnyi visnyk
Requirements for Formation of Articles in Specialized Scientific Journal "Bibliotechnyi visnyk"
The journal publishes the original scientific research and scientific reviews and messages, science practical articles, methodical materials, reviews, information on scientific events and rounds, never published before.
Languages – Ukrainian, English.
The publications are published free of charge.
The editorial board accepts for reviewing only those articles that meet the aforementioned requirements for article formatting, and also p. 3 of the bill of presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission from 15.01.2003 № 7-05/1 “On increasing requirements for specialised journals, added to the List VAK of Ukraine”, the scientific articles which have following elements:
- setting the problem in a generic way and its connection to the important scientific and practical tasks;
- analysis of the last researches and publications, which have established the ways of solving of the given problem and to which the author refers, highlighting the previously unsolved parts of the whole problem, to which the article is dedicated;
- setting the goals of the article
- own research with full bases of the received scientific results;
- conclusions on the given researched and the prospects of the further research in the studied field.
- Article scope – 12–15 pages (0.5–0.75 author's sheet). Larger articles are published according to the decision of the editorial board.
The article should be structured thusly:
1. UDC
2. Information on the author (no shortenings and abbreviations):
- first and second names;
- scientific degree, Researcher ID (Scopus ID, ORCHID), position, name of institution in which the research was conducted; city, country;
- full postal address of the institution the author works at; email, contact phone number of the author.
3. Title of the article.
4. The abstract in the language of the article (1800-2300 characters - up to 1 page) should be informative and structured in the same way as the article. The abstract contains brief information about the purpose (The purpose of the study is), methodology (Research methodology), novelty (Scientific novelty) and conclusions (Conclusions) from the conducted research.
5. Key words and word combinations (3–8) should reflect the subject of the study as accurately as possible, and are placed in the nominative case separated by a comma. Keywords and expressions shouldn’t contain general words, words from the title of the article, they should be topical.
6. Text body of the article (the problem, goals of the article), research with the full description of received results; summarising of the given results and the prospects on the further research in the given direction).
Structure: importance. The goal of research. Methodology (the utilized methods of description, comparison and summarizing). Research discussion. Results. Novelty. Practical importance. Conclusions.
Requirements for the main text of the article
Formatting of links in the text: in square brackets number in order in the list, page number [1, p. 3]. Between the letter p. a non-breaking space is placed on the page designation and page number (simultaneous pressing the Ctrl + Shift + space bar).
Referring to the text scholar, served the first letter of his name and surname (O. Ivanov). Between the initials and the last name put an indissoluble space (simultaneous pressing of the keys Ctrl + Shift + space).
If necessary, clarifications and comments, the text of the article may be accompanied by page notes (numbering of the notes through – 1, 2, 3 ...). Notes (footnotes) are made automatically (Insert – Footnote).
Quotations are provided in the language of the article. Archival and manuscript sources are quoted and published in the original language. The content of the citations and links to the relevant pages must clearly correspond to the original sources.
The names of any periodicals are given in the text in the original language.
If the article shows the schematics, they should be grouped (View – Toolbar – Drawing - Select an object. While holding the "Select an object" button, select the objects that you want to group into a group, in the Drawing toolbar, click the "Actions" button, select "Group"). All drawings, tables and diagrams should be numbered and have a link on the text of the article (for example, see Figure 1). Placing a picture (diagrams, tables) in the text should be as close as possible to the place in the text, where there is a link to this picture (diagram, table). All drawings (circuits, tables) must be signed and have a title. In the case of borrowing drawings (schemes, tables), it is necessary to indicate their source. Drawings (diagrams, tables) are duplicated in a separate file in formats JPEG, PNG.
Use only the following quotes: «... ..». If there are quotation marks in quotation marks, use the system of double quotes (foot paws): «...“...”...».
It is necessary to distinguish between the dash (–) and the hyphen (-): the difference lies in the size and availability of spaces before and after the dash.
The names of the foreign authors are filed in accordance with the rules of the current Ukrainian spelling (§86–100; §104–105).
The sign of the apostrophe should look like this: ’
Non-textual, intratextual and interlinear bibliographic reference are formatted according to DSTU (State standard of Ukraine) 8302:2015 «Bibliographic reference. General principles and rules of composition».
7. Bibliographic reference list (drafting of DSTU 8302:2015: extratextual reference).
Source reference from the Bibliographic reference list should be cited in the text and, accordingly, cited in texts authors should be included into the citation list.
The citations of the textbooks, study books, abstracts of the dissertations, thesis, newspaper publications, unpublished works, own publications should be avoided.
Repeated citation is not permitted.
International sources should be cited, preferably recent ones.
During drafting the list the use of automated lists is not permitted.
After the Bibliographic references list the separate References – the Bibliographic reference list transliterated into roman alphabet should be added.
Transliteration of sources written in Ukrainian is conducted in accordance with Decree of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 55 from January 27, 2010 «On ordnance of transliteration of Ukrainian alphabet into latin» (look table at, written in Russian - in accordance with the order of FMS (Russian Federation) № 26 from February 3, 2010.
For sources written in Ukrainian the authors may use online transliterator (choose «passport» standard).
We recommend you format References in accordance with APA standard (APA Citation Style 6th ed.) (
After Reference the author should include the summary of the article in English – the short description of the article. This English block should contain such elements in the given sequence:
- full name of the author (transliterated);
- information on the scientific degree, Researcher ID (Scopus ID, ORCHID), position, name of institution in which the research was conducted;
- title of the article;
- abstract in English (the structure and volume are similar to the Ukrainian text) (1800–2300 characters, under 1 page);
- keywords (3–8);
- full postal address of the institution the author works at; author’s email, author’s contact number.
The abstract should be written in grammatically correct English (the use of automated online translators is not permitted!), with English terminology used in the given sphere, in accordance with the lexical stylistic means of English scientific literature.
The author is obliged to sign the article.
Technical requirements
The text should be submitted in the .*rtf format or in MS Word (7.0 or earlier versions). Font – Times New Roman (14), spacing – 1,5.
Images should be submitted in .*tif, .*jpg as separate files. Any illustrations (photo, images, drawings, schemes, diagrams, graphics, etc.) should be submitted black and white, not in colour, with resolution above 300 dpi, without border, with text in 9–10 points to avoid the breakage of the formatting. The footnotes should be added separately.
Tables should be submitted in MS Words.
If the article has specific fonts, the author should also submit files of those fonts.
Articles that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted.
The order of the approval of submitted drafts to «Library journal»
By submitting an article to the editor, the author agrees to publish the text and metadata of the article (including the author's last name and initials, place of work, e-mail address) in print and electronic versions of the journal, which stipulates compliance with the Open Access Policy under the terms of the Attribution-Non Commercial License – Share Alike 4.0 International – the ability to freely read, download, copy and distribute the content of the article for educational and scientific purposes with indication of authorship.
The approved articles the editorial board sends in to the editor for the edit portfolio and assembling of next issue.
During further editorial preparations the authors follow the suggestions and remarks of the chief editor. The edited draft is sent to the author for familiarizing with the edits, for approval and submission for the printing.
The responsibility for credibility of the information, facts, other information, citings, the credibility of the translation, english variant, is carried out by the author.
Terms of articles approval
Approval of article drafts (approbation, reviewing, editing) may take 6–8 weeks.