ISSN 1029-7200 (print)
ISSN 2948-0183 (online)
Bibliotechnyi visnyk
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
"Bibliotechnyi visnyk" is a periodical professional scientific theoretical and practical edition which focuses on current problems of library and informational work, bibliography studies, book studies, social communications in library informational sphere.
Peer-reviewed journal. By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 09.24.2020 № 1188, the journal is included in the Register of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine as a category "B" publication in the field of historical sciences and social communications in specialties 029 - Information, library and archival affairs and 032 - History and archeology.
Founded in:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.
From 2021 the journal is published quarterly.
Sphere of spread
Statewide, on subscription.
Ukrainian, English.
Media identifier К30-01100
Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting dated July 27, 2023 No. 616
State Registration Certificate: ДК № 7871 від 28.06.2023 р.
ISSN: 1029-7200
The Subscription Index is: 74049.
Mission and goal
Implementation into the scientific world theoretical and practical researches in the librarian-informational sphere, in practical application of theoretical basis in the work of librarian-informational institutions, in assisting developing national and international scientific informational space.
Purpose and aim
Publication of original, finished and modern topical and practical scientific researches, in which such topics are studied:
theoretical and practical problems of library studies; library information technologies; modern library in digital environment, in system of social communications; development of digital information resources; librarian and science-informational support; problems of improvement of catalogues and systematization in science libraries; research and preservations of funds; studying of archival collections in libraries; work of library unions, associations and networks in Ukraine; scientific, science-methodological and international work of libraries; profession and education of a librarian; librarian terminology; history of the library profession and libraries; topic of studying the readership; work of international libraries; international document exchange; cultural educational work of libraries; the topic of bibliography studies; national bibliography; bibliography work of the libraries; research on book studies, history of book, libraries funds and archives; preservation oh book and archival heritage of Ukraine, history of publishing; document and sources studies studios, etc.
The journal publishes the reviews for new publications on library studies, studies on bibliography, book studies, documentology, source studies, archive sphere: monographies, collectorials, textbooks, bibliographic and biobliographic publications, thematic domain dictionaries, handbooks, guidebooks, encyclopedias, etc.
The authors of the journal are scientists and specialists of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, other libraries and information centers of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and international institutions, professors in higher education institutes of Ukraine, aspirants, students, applicants for science degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences on social communications and historic sciences.
The target audience is the researchers in the library informational sphere, workers of library informational institutions, scientists and practical workers in the sphere of social communications and informational communicational technologies, professors, post-graduate students, students of higher education institutions that prepare specialists in the mentioned above spheres.
The editorial policy of the journal includes:
- objectivity and impartiality;
- high requirements to the quality of the scientific research;reviewing
the policy of peer-of articles; - strict adherence to copyright laws;
- adherence to the ethics of the editors and publishers, reviewers, authors of scientific publications; those ethics principles can be found in the “Codes of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”, “Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK) for Editors”.
Open access policy
The journal supports the Budapest Open Access initiative (BOAI).
The editorial board of the journal acts in accordance to the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association’s Code of Conduct, practices the policy of immediate open access to the published materials, supporting the principles of free scientific information sharing and global exchange of knowledges for the societal progress (Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ)).
All of the journal’s content is available for free for all the users and institutions. the users may read, copy, spread, print out, search or cite the full texts of the articles or use them with any purpose without the prior approval of the publisher of the author.
Copyright Notice
"Library journal " publishes articles with open access in accordance with the terms of the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. and aims to adhere to its guidelines.
Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.
(Texts are available under the Creative Commons
with Attribution — NonCommercial)
Publication statistics
In 2015 in issues of the journal 1(225) - 6(230) were published 28 articles, 5 reviews, 6 informational materials.
In 2016 in issues of the journal 1(231) - 6(236) were published 40 articles, 3 reviews, 1 methodical material, 6 informational materials.
In 2017 in issues of the journal 1(237) - 6(242) were published 33 articles, 5 reviews, 11 informational materials.
In 2018 in issues of the journal 1(243) - 6(248) were published 29 articles, 4 reviews, 5 informational materials.
In 2019 in issues of the journal 1(249) - 6(254) were published 26 articles, 3 reviews, 12 informational materials.
In 2020 in issues of the journal 1(255) - 6(260) were published 32 articles, 6 reviews, 13 informational materials.
The edition archives digital versions of articles in the “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine” national depository by V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.