ISSN 1029-7200 (print)
ISSN 2948-0183 (online)
Bibliotechnyi visnyk
The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
"Bibliotechnyi visnyk" is a specialized scientific theoretical and practical periodical publication which sheds light on current problems of librarian and informational work, bibliography studies, book studies, social communications in librarian and informational sphere. "Bibliotechnyi visnyk" was founded in 1993 by The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine (VNLU).
The first issue of the journal was published as a celebration of 75th anniversary of NAS of Ukraine and VNLU. In the introductory word by the editorial board for the colleagues and readers it was stated that the goal of "Library journal”, the first specialized journal for librarian workers of Ukraine, is to become the successor of “Bibliotecni visti / Librarian news” from 20s and 30s of XX, and to be the platform for the librarian and book studies thought.
The topicality of the journal offers the understanding for chief directions and tendencies for librarian work development.
The journal publishes researches on library studies (general problems for library studies; library and society; librarian information technologies; modern library in the digital world, in the system of social communications; scientific, scientific methodical and international work of libraries and librarian associations; the work of librarian chains of Ukraine; problems of improvement for cataloguing in scientific libraries; librarian and scientific informational servicing; research and conservation of the fonds; development of State registry of national cultural heritage; experience of librarian and archival collections development; librarian profession and professional education; librarian terminology; history of librarian work and libraries; topic of readers studies; libraries in other countries; international book loan system, etc).
Scientific articles of the journal study problems of bibliography studies; national bibliography; bibliographic work of libraries; topic of bibliography and biographistics.
Under careful study are also topics of book studies, history of books, book and manuscript heritage, library fonds research; history of publishing etc. A lot of publications in "Library journal” are the results for research of common topics for librarian and related spheres: researches on fonds of archives and libraries, conservation of monuments of culture fonds, the topic of state registration for document monuments (book and archival heritage of Ukraine), sources studying studios etc.
Thematical issues are published.