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Ковальська Л. - Інформаційно-аналітична діяльність сучасної бібліотеки (2021)

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Kovalska Lesia

Information and analytical activity of a modern library

Abstract: The relevance of research. Recent years have radically changed the perception of the role of informationresources in the «covid» and «post-covid» periods. The remote information work has become commonplace. Therequirements for instrumental information and analytical product online have changed. These information needs gapsare being gradually filled with innovative products offered by librarians of universal and branch libraries of Ukraine.The aim of the study is to study the content of libraries with the digitalization of the world community in mind, takinginto account the «covid» changes in users' needs, the suggestions of innovations in providing information and analyticalactivities of libraries in Ukraine. The presentation of the principal material involves solving a set of definedtasks. The study examines the available information and analytical library products, which are designed in traditionalform of library services. The recent changes in the international community life have posed a difficult task of restoringaccess to information resources of libraries under conditions of physical inaccessibility of information, and remotework. It is established that the «covid» conditions of human and library existence have accelerated the transition tothe innovative forms of information work, expanding the round-the-clock access to digital information. This changedthe general perception of the society of the future in the actual way of existence in the virtual information space. Newforms of user/library collaboration have been identified. It is suggested to expand the analytical methods of processinginformation resources of library funds with the subsequent suggestions in the service market of on the example oflibraries of all levels. Conclusions. Currently, a user is not satisfied with only the access to the «book» as an informationresource. The user's needs in the information services market has undergone radical revolutionary changes.The process of digitization has received the characteristics of irreversibility and rapidity. In the system, theuser/library relation has acquired not only the access to the primary information, but its secondary analytical documentaryformalization. This significantly changes user requests and requires innovative information and analyticalproducts. The tools, proposed in the study, allow revealing the content of information and analytical activities of modernlibraries. The analysis of the constituent elements of communicative relations between the user/library identifiedthe necessity for theoretical reflections on the problems of dialectical development of library products and servicesaround the clock. These components of dichotomous user/library communication are interconnected, determining theeffectiveness of librarianship in Ukraine.

Keywords: information-analytical activity, directions and prospects of informational analytical activity oflibraries, informational analytical product, analutical document formalization.

Author(s) citation:

Kovalska Lesia (2021). Information and analytical activity of a modern library. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (3) 12-21. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2021.03.012


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