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Дуднік О. - Бібліографічні посібники з історії Соборності України: проблеми укладання (2020)

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Dudnik Oleksandr

Bibliographic Manuals from the History of the Unity of Ukrainian: the Problems of Conclude

Abstract: In Article illuminated the history of the publication of bibliographic manuals dedicated to the idea of Unity of Ukrainian lands and the celebration of the Day of Unity of Ukraine. The internal and external factors that promoted to the preparation of bibliographical manuals on this topic in independent Ukraine have been revealed. Considering the process of decommunization and creation of the unityfic of Ukrainian bibliography the structure and problems of the content of the bibliographical manuals on this topic are analyzed. Among the rare and valuable materials presented in the bibliographic manuals are descriptions of documents on the preparation and implementation of the agreement on the unification of the UNR and ZUNR on January 21, 1919, poems of Ukrainian poets – O. Olesya and E. Malaniuk, that most reflecting the idea of the Unity Ukrainian people. Some bibliographic manuals have descriptions of works in the titles of which says nothing about the idea of the Unity of Ukrainian lands in the composition of one united independent Ukrainian state. The contents of some of the materials in the bibliographic manuals do not have information about the idea of the Unity of Ukrain at all, or about it are mentioned in one or two sentences, in particular in the anti-Ukrainian context. An example of the latter is the titles of the works of Soviet researchers, which are presented in contemporary bibliographic works. The analysis of the bibliographic manuals indicates the need to improve the work of bibliographers, in particular, to deepen their knowledge of the history of Ukraine, currently legislation concerning library and bibliographic activity, or to involve in the preparation of bibliographical manuals and lists of specialists from the history and law.

Keywords: The Unity of Ukraine, Act of the Unity of UNR and ZUNR, decommunization, the unity of Ukrainian's bibliography, bibliographic manuals.

Author(s) citation:

Dudnik Oleksandr (2020). Bibliographic Manuals from the History of the Unity of Ukrainian: the Problems of Conclude. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 23-32. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2020.01.023


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