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Левченко Наталія - Відкритий електронний архів – важливий чинник публікаційної активності науковців (2018)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2018, Issue 5)Ukrainian English

Levchenko Nataliia

Open electronic archive in promoting the publishing activity of scientists

Abstract: The article draws attention to and justifies the need for the further development of the information society to strengthen the initiative of open access to scientific publications and research. An increase in the number of institutional repositories has been demonstrated, which is one of the main areas for presenting scientific papers in the global information space. The scientific novelty of the institution of higher education in the process of increasing the representation of university science in the global space of scientific communications is noted. The main criteria for Webometrics and the impact of the institutional repository on the position of a higher education institution are highlighted. The analysis of the development of repositories in the world and domestic market according to the Open DOAR registry was made. Attention is focused on the introduction of academic integrity in Ukraine to help improve the quality of educational and scientific activities.

Keywords: Open access, open electronic archive, repository, publishing activity, academic integrity

Author(s) citation:

Levchenko Nataliia (2018). Open electronic archive in promoting the publishing activity of scientists. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (5) 3-7. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2018.05.003


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