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Ілшаммар. Л. - Значення Національної бібліотеки (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 4)Ukrainian English

Ilshammar Lars

The meaning of a national library

Section: Library affair and science. International experience

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to characterize the contemporary challenges and prospects faced by the National Library of Sweden in the context of changing cultural, informational, and political landscapes.The aim of the article is to analyze the impact of globalization, digitization, and changes in defining national identity on the library’s operations and strategies. The scientific novelty lies in identifying the role of the national library not only as a repository of knowledge and cultural heritage but also as an active participant in shaping and supporting national identity in the context of globalization and digitization. The research findings demonstrate that the national library must maintain its autonomy regardless of political and ideological changes, while actively adapting to the new realities of the digital era. Conclusions. The importance of balancing the preservation of physical collections with the development of digital resources and services is identified, as well as expanding the library’s functionalities, embracing new technologies, and adapting to the changing needs of society. Special attention is paid to the need to rethink and updatethe role of the national library in the modern world, the engagement of new technologies, and adaptationto society’s evolving needs. The significance of international collaboration and integration into global knowledge networks is also emphasized.

Keywords: national library, National Library of Sweden, international collaboration, integration, global knowledge networks, digital era.

Author(s) citation:
  • Ilshammar Lars (Former Deputy of the National Library of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden)

Ilshammar Lars (2023). The meaning of a national library. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 70-75. - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2023_4_8