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Антонюк Т. - Видавничі здобутки Українського високого педагогічного інституту ім. М. Драгоманова у фондах Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського, Антонова В. (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 4)Ukrainian English

Antoniuk Tetiana, Antonova Victoria

Publishing achievements of the M. Drahomanov Ukrainian higher pedagogical institute in the funds of the V. I. Vernadskyi national library of Ukraine

Section: Sources of emigration ukrainian studies

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to characterize the publications of the M. Drahomanov Ukrainian Higher Pedagogical Institute, which represent his publishing, educational, and scientific activities, reveal the personnel potential of the educational institution, which functioned for a decade and provided training of Ukrainian pedagogical personnel, scientists for the needs of emigration and the diaspora, as well as for Galicia, Bukovyna, Volyn. The research methodology is based on the use of objective and comparative analysis of selected publications from the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine funds. The principle of historicism provided an in-depth consideration of the subject of research, helped to determine the role and significance of this educational and scientific institution in providing Ukrainian youth who found themselves in emigration, the right to education, in the preparation for Ukrainian schools of qualified pedagogical personnel who worked on the development of Ukrainian culture and identity, in the development of publishing, Ukrainian bibliography in the context of a specific historical time and emigration conditions. Scientific novelty. The publishing activity of the M. Drahomanov Ukrainian Higher Pedagogical Institute was considered, the publishing products of the M. Drahomanov Ukrainian Higher Pedagogical Institute available in the fund of the Department of Foreign Ukrainian Studies of the Bibliography Institute of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, in particular, educational literature and publications that reveal the history and activities of this educational institution are characterized. Conclusions. The article states that during the decade (1923–1933) the M. Drahomanov Ukrainian Higher Pedagogical Institute, with the material support of the Czecho-Slovak government, President T. Masaryk, trained more than 100 qualified teachers, launched active activities in publishing textbooks, manuals and other educational literature, as well as after liquidation this Institute met the needs of pupils and students in various centers of the Ukrainian emigration and diaspora, contributed to the preservation of Ukrainian identity, and therefore to the revival of sovereign Ukraine.

Keywords: publishing activity of the M. Drahomanov Ukrainian Higher Pedagogical Institute, funds of the Department of Foreign Ukrainian Studies of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, emigrant educational book.

Author(s) citation:

Antoniuk Tetiana (2023). Publishing achievements of the M. Drahomanov Ukrainian higher pedagogical institute in the funds of the V. I. Vernadskyi national library of Ukraine. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 53-69. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2023.04.053


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