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Дзира І. - Часопис "Рідна мова" Івана Огієнка та питання славістики (2023)

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Dzyra Ivan

Ivan Ohienko’s magazine "Ridna Mova" and issues of Slavic studies

Section: Bibliographic repertoire of periodical

Abstract: The purpose of our research is to find out the contribution of the journal "Ridna Mova" in the study and popularization of scientific knowledge in the field of Slavic studies. The research methods are primarily based on the use of synchronous-descriptive method, the principle of historicism and the reception of statistical analysis. The scientific novelty of the study is that it first highlights the contribution of the journal "Ridna Mova" in the development and popularization of Slavic studies of the 30s of the XX century. The author outlined the topics of various genres of publications, clarified their relevance, scientific level and place in the general repertoire of the magazine. It has been established that the largest place among Slavic studies in the journal is occupied by studies in Western Slavic linguistics. The main attention of the authors was focused on the interaction of Polish and Ukrainian languages. In connection with the specific social practice in the USSR, the processes of establishing language norms and the development of functional styles of Slavic languages, primarily Czech, were covered. The materials devoted to the Slavic script and the Old Slavonic language were intended to improve the reader’s general understanding of the history of the Ukrainian literary and written language. The study of the Russian language took place exclusively in the context of Russian-Ukrainian linguistic relations. The conclusions state that to a large extent Slavic studies addressed issues of interlingual relations in the context of the struggle of the editorial board to improve the language culture of Ukrainians. Due to the popular science style of the publication, the vast majority of Slavic studies published in it were purely descriptive. They broadened the journal’s thematic horizons and aroused interest in it from leading European linguists.

Keywords: article, journal, magazine, review, "Ridna Mova", Slavic studies.

Author(s) citation:

Dzyra Ivan (2023). Ivan Ohienko’s magazine "Ridna Mova" and issues of Slavic studies. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 65-73. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2023.01.065


  1. V. M. L. (1938). Recz. na: Ogiyenko I. Povstannia azbuky j literaturnoi movy v slovian. Zhovkva [B. v.], 1937. 300, 8 s. [Rev. on the: Ohienko I. The emergence of the alphabet and literary language in the Slavs. Zhovkva [W. p. h.], 1937. 300, 8 s.]. Ridna Mova,12, 527-530. [In Ukrainian].
  2. G. B. (1934). [Recz. na: "Ridna Mova"] [Rev. on the: "Ridna Mova"]. Ridna Mova, 5, 215-216. [In Ukrainian].
  3. Grytsak, Ye. (1937). Recz. na: Ohienko I. Slovatsko-ukrainska spilnota v lemkivskim hovori polovyny XVIII st. Sbornik Matice Slovenskej. Čast prva. Jazykoveda. Ročnik XIV. 1936. Č. 1. S. 64-73 [Rev. on the: Ohienko I. Slovak-Ukrainian unity in the Lemko dialect of the middle of the 18th century. Collection of Matica Slovak. Part 1. Linguistics. Issue of XII. 1936. Number 1. S. 64-73]. Ridna Mova, 1, 41-42. [In Ukrainian].
  4. Esich, I. (1939). Ohienko i khorvaty [Ohienko and Croats]. Ridna Mova, 7-8, 295-300. [In Ukrainian].
  5. I. O. (1933). Adam Antonii Krynskyi [Adam Antony Krynskyi]. Ridna Mova, 7, 237-240. [In Ukrainian].
  6. I. O-ko (1933). Recz. na: Dezhelych V. Sofiyu vybrav. Lviv: Dobra knyzhka, 1930 [Rev. on the: Dezhelych V. He chose Sofia. Lviv: A good book, 1930]. Ridna Mova, 4, 149-152. [In Ukrainian].
  7. Korovytsky, I. (1938). Movoznavstvo v vydanni "Literaturnaia entsiklopedia" [Linguistics in the publication "Literary encyclopedia"]. Ridna Mova, 4, 169-174. [In Ukrainian].
  8. Markiv, Ya. (1938). Staroslovianska azbuka ta mova [Old Slavonic alphabet and language]. Ridna Mova, 10, 419-426. [In Ukrainian].
  9. Mladenov, S. (1934). [Recz. na: "Ridna Mova"] [Rev. on the: "Ridna Mova"]. Ridna Mova, 1, 45-46. [In Ukrainian].
  10. Ohienko, I. (1935). Recz. na: Klich E. Dwa wypadki kontaminacji syntaktycznej w języku polskim.Slavia Occidentalis. 1934. T. XIII. S. 9-21 [Rev. on the: Klich E. Two cases of syntactic contamination in the Polish language. Western Slavs. 1934. Vol. XIII. S. 9-21. Ridna Mova, 9, 427-428. [In Ukrainian].
  11. Ohienko, I. (1934). Recz. na: Mladenov S. Rechnyk na chuzhyt’ dumy v blgarskyya ezyk s obyasnenyya za proyzxoda y sostava ym Sofy’ya, 1932. 604 s. [Rev. on the: Mladenov S. Dictionary of foreign words in the Bulgarian language with an explanation of their origin and composition. Sofia, 1932. 504 s.]. Ridna Mova, 3, 121-124. [In Ukrainian].
  12. Ohienko, I. (1935). Recz. na: Slonski St. Index verborum do Euchologium Sinaiticum. Warszawa: Polskie Towarystwo Językoznawcze, 1934. VIII, 152 s. [Rev. on the: Slonsky St. The word index to Euchologium Sinaiticum. Warsaw: Polish Linguistic Society, 1934. VIII, 152 s.]. Ridna Mova, 5, 233-235. [In Ukrainian].
  13. Ohienko, I. (1937). Ukrayinska tserkovna terminolohia v movi polskii [Ukrainian church terminology in Polish]. Ridna Mova, 9-10, 337-342. [In Ukrainian].
  14. Ohienko, I. (1933). Chuzhi vplyvy na ukrayinsku movu [Foreign influences on the Ukrainian language]. Ridna Mova, 4, 113-118. [In Ukrainian].
  15. Ohienko, I. (1934). Shevchenkova mova [Shevchenko’s language]. Ridna Mova, 5, 187-192; 6, 239-244; 8, 339-344; 10, 439-442; 11, 489-492; 12, 529-532. [In Ukrainian].
  16. Pankevych, I. (1936). Antin Meie (Antoine Meillet) [Antin Meye (Antoine Meillet)]. Ridna mova, 12, 543-546. [In Ukrainian].
  17. Pankevych, I. (1933). Zmahannia nad ustiinenniam literaturnoi movy u chekhiv [The desire to establish a literary language in the Czech]. Ridna Mova, 9, 297-302. [In Ukrainian].
  18. Pankevych, I. (1939). Recz. na: Slovanske spisovne jazyky v době přitomne. Praha, 1937. 341 s. [Rev. on the: Slavic literary languages in modern times. Prague, 1937. 341 s.]. Ridna Mova, 9, 383-386. [In Ukrainian].
  19. Stavnychy, I. (1936). Recz. na: Lazaruk J. Podręczny slowniczek polsko-ukrainski i ukrainsko polski. Stanislawow: "Soyuzna drukarnya", 1934. 56 s. [Rev. on the: Lazaruk Ya. Handy dictionary Polish-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Polish. Stanislav: Union printing-house, 1934. 56 s.]. Ridna Mova, 12, 561-564. [In Ukrainian].
  20. Shemley, J. (1933). Ohonovskyi yako filoloh [Ohonovskyi as a philologist]. Ridna Mova, 10, 329-332. [In Ukrainian].