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Рудий Г. - Охорона та популяризація культурної спадщини за доби Центральної Ради та Української Держави 1918 року у контексті матеріалів київської газети "Відродження" (2023)

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Rudy Hryhorii

Protection and popularization of cultural heritage during the Central Rada and the Ukrainian state in 1918 in the context of the materials of the Kyiv newspaper "Vidrodzhennia"

Section: Bibliographic repertoire of periodical

Abstract: The purpose of the study is to reproduce on the basis of the materials of the Kyiv newspaper "Vidrodzhennia" the process of protection and promotion of cultural heritage during the Central Council and the Ukrainian state in 1918. Methodology and methods of research of the topic. The methodological principles of the study are the principles of historicism, objectivity and systematicity. For their implementation historical-source, problem-thematic, chronological, statistical methods are used. The scientific novelty of the article is that it first considers the materials of the newspaper "Vidrodzhennia" as a source for studying the protection and promotion of cultural heritage during the Central Council and the Ukrainian state in 1918. A large array of newspaper publications was introduced into scientific circulation. state monument protection institutions, museums, public organizations in the preservation of historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine. Conclusions. In the course of the research it was found out that the newspaper "Vidrodzhennia" reflected in great detail the process of protection and popularization during the time of the Central Council and the Ukrainian Hetmanate. The newspaper regularly informed the public about the establishment and development of museum institutions, the opening of specialized educational institutions for the training of specialists in monuments, the preparation of the first Law on the Protection of Monuments. Thus, in the period under study, the pages of this publication widely covered the process of formation of the national monument protection policy in Ukraine. The newspaper actively promoted the activities of public authorities, monuments, museums, centers of "Prosvita", public organizations in the preservation of cultural heritage as one of the important factors in shaping the historical memory of the Ukrainian people. These materials were placed on the pages of the newspaper mainly in the form of correspondence and chronicles.

Keywords: newspaper "Vidrodzhennia", source, Central Rada, Ukrainian state, cultural heritage, monument protection, historical memory.

Author(s) citation:

Rudy Hryhorii (2023). Protection and popularization of cultural heritage during the Central Rada and the Ukrainian state in 1918 in the context of the materials of the Kyiv newspaper "Vidrodzhennia". Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 56-64. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2023.01.056


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