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Грінберг Л. - Творчість П. Куліша у віртуальних виставках бібліотек та архівів України (2023)

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Grinberg Larisa

Creativity of P. Kulish in virtual exhibitions of libraries and archives of Ukraine

Section: Libraries in the digital environment

Abstract: The purpose of the article is a consists in studying the experience of presenting documents by libraries and archives of Ukraine at virtual exhibitions for the purpose of popularizing the cultural and artistic heritage of Panteleimon Kulish. The research methodology postulates the main principles of scientific objectivity regarding the biography of P. Kulish as an outstanding Ukrainian cultural and public figure of the 19th century; performs an additional heuristic role in the librarian, archival, and information field, positively influencing the modern reading of both the life and views of an individual, as well as the course of public opinion in general. Scientific novelty. The creative heritage of P. Kulish, which is currently widely represented in virtual exhibitions of Ukrainian libraries and is still insufficiently represented on archive sites, is considered as a valuable cultural asset for the formation of Ukrainian identity in new historical conditions, which allows an impartial assessment of the contribution of an outstanding Ukrainian figure to the national and world cultures. Conclusions. The culture of perpetuation includes sociocultural practices aimed at the conscious formation and transmission of important information to the future both about a certain era and about the attitude to history in general. The virtual exhibition is an information product characterized by interactivity, multimedia, hypertext links and is a promising remote service for the interaction of libraries and archives with users, providing illustrated, factual, biographical, etc. information. The integration of the information-resource component of Ukrainian libraries and archives at the international, national and regional levels creates a consolidated electronic product of the creative heritage of P. Kulish, which is stored in various library and archive collections. Currently, the task is to organize a fruitful interaction of libraries and archives in the social and communication space in order to intensify cooperation on the worthy presentation of Ukrainian culture to the world by providing unlimited virtual access to it.

Keywords: archival fund, library fund, virtual exhibition, commemorative activity, digitization, P. Kulish.

Author(s) citation:

Grinberg Larisa (2023). Creativity of P. Kulish in virtual exhibitions of libraries and archives of Ukraine. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 15-27. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2023.01.015


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