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Зінько О. - "Бібліотекарям треба кинути оком на минуле бібліотек та заглибити зір у майбутнє": актуалізація професійного досвіду Романа Луцика (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 4)Ukrainian English

Zinko Oksana

"Librarians need to look at the past of libraries and focus their vision on the future": actualisation of professional experience of Roman Lutsyk

Section: History of the library affair and libraries

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the library work of Roman Lutsyk, whose professional activity is closely connected with Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv, as well as to introduce into scientific circulation and reveal the important content of his unpublished works preserved in the Library’s Manuscripts Department. Research methods. To achieve the goal, a number of scientific approaches and methods were used – theoretical, micro-historical, systemic approaches, methods of analysis and synthesis, historical-bibliographic, historical, logical, biographical, source studies, archival studies, etc. The scientific novelty consists in establishing special features of the professional experience of Roman Lutsyk as the librarian, bibliographer and book critic. Conclusions. The active library and bibliographic activity of Roman Lutsyk was based on library collections of the Rare Book Department of Vasyl Sytefanyk National Scientific library of Ukraine in Lviv as the largest keeper of old printed publications in the city. The Rare Books Department’s history, which main aspects are reproduced in our article, the characteristics of its collections, the activities of a number of employees, in particular of Yevheniya Kurkova, the predecessor of Roman Lutsyk in the position, the important experience of the library work of the head of Rare Books Department in 1950–1974 make it possible to navigate in the extraordinary historical and cultural values of this important scientific unit. Valuable unpublished works of Roman Lutsyk preserved among archival materials in the Library, made it possible to distinguish the features of old print collections and to evaluate them not only as a historical asset, but also as an important source for researchers of Ukrainian librarianship.

Keywords: Roman Lutsyk, history of librarianship, rare books department, Vasyl Stefanyk National Library of Ukraine, library collection, professional experience.

Author(s) citation:

Zinko Oksana (2022). "Librarians need to look at the past of libraries and focus their vision on the future": actualisation of professional experience of Roman Lutsyk. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 47-58. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2022.04.047


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