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Максимчук О. - Мольєріана у фондах відділу стародруків та рідкісних видань Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського: до 400-річчя від дня народження великого комедіографа (2022)

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Maksymchuk Olha

Molièriana in the fund of the early printed and rare book department of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine: on the 400th anniversary of the birth of the great comediographer

Section: Library funds and user services

Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to characterize Molièriana, that is the collection of imprinted works of Molière, kept in the early printed and rare book department of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. To achieve the goal, the synthetic, descriptive, biographical, bibliological and comparative methods are applied. For the first time, all Molière editions from the holdings of the department were regarded as a certain unity, which constitutes the point of novelty in the research. Conclusions. The paper demonstrates that the analyzed set of books is a precious part of the library collection. It consists of old-printed works and rarities dated from the 17th to 19th centuries. The holdings comprise about thirty titles of prints of Molière, and most of them are multivolume editions. They are product of different publishing houses from all over Europe, e.g. of French, Dutch, German, Austrian, Belgian, Polish publishers. These exemplars have usually small format (12°, or the duodecimo) to make the process of reading or their transporting more comfortable. A lot of books from the Molièriana are decorated with engravings (viz., with a portrait of the author or illustrations to the text). Inscriptions on engravings reveal names of those artists who prepare illustrations for editions. For example, the first Belgian publication of Molière’s plays (1694) was illustrated by Jacob Harrewijn. Italian translation of Molière’s works printed in Leipzig in 1698 has a series of engravings prepared by Daucher (the first name of the artist is unknown). Some prints from the Molièriana collection have bookplates, autographs or other marks indicating previous owners of exemplars. These provenance evidences make books more valuable, especially when their owners are well-known personalities in the history of Ukraine. For instance, among the booklovers in whose possession certain editions of Molièr’s plays were there are the prominent historian Volodymyr Antonovych, the Ukrainian philologist Pavlo Biletskyi-Nosenko and the famous countess Sofia (Zofia) Pototska after whom the Uman park Sofiivka was named.

Keywords: Molière in the funds of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, engraved illustration, ownership records.

Author(s) citation:

Maksymchuk Olha (2022). Molièriana in the fund of the early printed and rare book department of the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine: on the 400th anniversary of the birth of the great comediographer. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 21-31. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2022.04.021


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