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Пестрецова Л. - Особливості формування фонду Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського періодичними виданнями у 2013–2021 рр., Шульга І., Клочок Т. (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 3)Ukrainian English

Pestretsova Larysa, Shulga Iryna, Klochok Tetiana

Features of the formation of the fund of the V. I. Vernadskyі National Library of Ukraine by periodicals in 2013–2021

Section: Library funds and user services

Abstract: The purpose of the article. Consideration of the main directions of the formation of the library fund of the V. I. Vernadskyі National Library of Ukraine by periodicals as the most efficient source of obtaining informationin 2013–2021 based on the analysis of information and statistical sources. The methodology is based on the use of general scientific and special research methods using structural-functional and comparative statistical analysis. Scientific novelty. The current trends in the transformation of library and information resources of the V. I. Vernadskyі National Library of Ukraine, which represent periodicals on various media in the context of library digitalization, have been determined, the level of the share of national Ukrainian-language publications in the volume of these documents for 2013–2021 has been studied, and a comparative analysis of sources of income with the previous10 period has been carried out. Conclusions. Studies of accounting documents and statistical reports on processed of the V. I. Vernadskyі National Library of Ukraine periodicals for 2013–2021 were carried out. and disclosed the dynamics of receipt of documents in accordance with the sources of acquisition and information carriers. Periodicals are an important information resource for users of the V. I. Vernadskyі National Library of Ukraine in the system of professional communications. Based on the monitoring of the formation of the library stock of the V. I. Vernadskyі National Library of Ukraine in recent years, a decrease in the dynamics of receipts of printed periodicals was revealed, and as an alternative, an increase in the volume of electronic versions of journals, which indicates the development of library and information resources in the context of digital transformations.

Keywords: periodicals, formation of the library fund, information resources, electronic editions, digital transformations, acquisition’s sources, obligatory copy documents of Ukraine, documents exchange, gifts.

Author(s) citation:

Pestretsova Larysa (2022). Features of the formation of the fund of the V. I. Vernadskyі National Library of Ukraine by periodicals in 2013–2021. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (3) 40-55. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2022.03.040


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