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Ковальчук Г. - Атрибуція та експертиза книжкових пам’яток та історичних бібліотечних зібрань як напрям книгознавчих досліджень Інституту книгознавства Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського (2022)

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Kovalchuk Halyna

Attribution and expertise of book monuments and historical collections as a trend of bibliological research of the V. I. Vernadskyі National Library of Ukraine Institute of Book Studies

Section: Libraries in digital environment

Abstract: The subject of the study is the revision of the main outcomes of the research project "The attribution and expertise as a part of the book and other library monuments exploration: the foundations of theory and practice" exploration. This research project was conducted by departments of the Institute of Book Studies and Department o fPress Studies of V. I. Vernadskyі National Library of Ukraine in 2019–2021. Such problem statement is based on an understanding of the importance of attribution and re-attribution of books and other monuments of the history and culture in book studies of libraries’ retrospective funds. The article proves that the attribution of rare and valuable books is an important element of historical and cultural heritage value estimation expertise. In general, attribution and expertise of books and other monuments in libraries is a branch of applied bibliological studies, the form of book science practice. The aim of the study is to share with colleagues the experience of attribution practice of old printed editions, rare and valuable books, disguised, counterfeit editions of past, leaf editions, posters, portraits, notes,newspapers, ancient library collections; stress the necessity to unify appropriate terminology, elaborate unique approaches to the expertise of book monuments . The methodological basis of the work is a comparative historic analysis, historic and bibliological, bibliographic, art studies, and provenance methods of investigation. These methods enabled to summarize the attained results due to analysis of researches that were conducted and the synthesis of evidence that was obtained . Conclusions. The main research results, discussed in the article, are structured according to the kinds of monuments. The recent publications, prepared in frames of this research project, were analyzed. The novelty of each research, revised in this article, lies in the usage of unique attribution and expertise of historical and cultural heritage evaluation methods, chosen in accordance with the type of the monument. In conclusion, it is stated that attribution and expertise of retrospective monuments is an important trend book studies. The prospective of further book science studies of the Institute of Book Studies are outlined.

Keywords: bibliological researches, cultural values expertise, book monuments, attribution, Institute of Book Studies .

Author(s) citation:

Kovalchuk Halyna (2022). Attribution and expertise of book monuments and historical collections as a trend of bibliological research of the V. I. Vernadskyі National Library of Ukraine Institute of Book Studies. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 29-40. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2022.01.029


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