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Онищенко О. - Цифровізація – стратегічний шлях розвитку бібліотечної сфери (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 4)Ukrainian English

Onyshchenko Olexii

Digitalization is a strategic way of a library sphere development

Section: Libraries in Digital Environment

Abstract: The timeliness of the topic is based on rapid improvement of digital technologies, devices and services in sociallife spheres, particularly in library apparatus. The aim of the article is to present the influence of digital innovationin transforming processes of contemporary libraries and turning it into scientific and informational complexes of integrated socio-cultural complexes. In reporting of research material and results, the circle of tasks, which the librarysociety is likely to face in nearest future, is outlined. It substantiates the importance of renewing of functional toolsin libraries, and first of all, increasing of analytical and expert activities and inclusion of libraries in overwhelmingprocess of digital education. The attention is paid to the necessity of searching for the ways of increasing the library collections, particularly on account of archive-museum digital resources; increasing scope and speed of digitalization processes of traditional documents, widening of informational services variety using online services as well; researching (using sociology) the readers and the level of E-literacy, advancement of librarians' professional skills and upgrading digital competency. In conclusions, out the urgent necessity for digital transformations in library sphere is emphasized. The reluctance of libraries in dealing with such questions originates from concern that other integrators of information will push out the libraries into margins of information society

Keywords: digital transformation of libraries, library "without walls", E-literacy, digitalized reader, online services, digital competency of a librarian.

Author(s) citation:

Onyshchenko Olexii (2021). Digitalization is a strategic way of a library sphere development. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 3-9. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2021_4_3