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Яковенко О. - Популяризація електронних книжкових виставок у системі бібліотечних наукових комунікацій (на прикладі вітрин нових надходжень Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського), Туровська Л. (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 3)Ukrainian English

Yakovenko Olena, Turovska Lesia

Popularization of digital book exhibitions in the system of library scientific communications (on the example of showcases of new arrivals to the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine fund)

Abstract: Aim of the research is to present the library marketing research data, conducted digitally within the departmentaltopic of the Institute of Library Science of VNLU «Library and Information Complex in the Transformation ofScientific Communications», targeted on studying personal interest of online users in expansion of exhibited digitalservices in the system of library scientific communications. The methodological basis implemented in the study issystems approach, systemic-structural analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis, marketing theory and innovationmanagement. Scientific novelty is the improvement of the scientific and methodological approach to the digital bookexhibitions promotion in the system of library scientific communications, determination of the conceptual and categoricalapparatus of library scientific communications, taking into account the content and specifics of digital bookexhibitions as a promising type of remote service. The authors have further developed a methodical approach to thechoice of factors influencing the formation of demand of digital book exhibitions in the system of library scientificcommunications; applied principles of popularization of digital book exhibitions that allow librarians to optimize theforms and methods of remote service. The results of the research. The analysis of satisfaction level of users' informationneeds during their use of digital book exhibitions provided an opportunity to track the feasibility of their exposure;to predict the introduction of new forms of exhibition services based on the software and technology for theirinclusion in the scientific and communication circulation of digital information space. Based on the results and relevantrecommendations, the conducted research provides an opportunity to respond quickly to changes suitable forinformation users; to influence the improvement of the resource base; to find ways of remote service optimization; tomonitor the feasibility of existing and the necessary new service forms; to generate priority areas of library and informationactivities.

Keywords: digital means of science communications, digital book exhibitions, digital book showcases,remote user, remote library services, library market research, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.

Author(s) citation:

Yakovenko Olena (2021). Popularization of digital book exhibitions in the system of library scientific communications (on the example of showcases of new arrivals to the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine fund). Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (3) 39-49. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2021.03.039


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