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Матвійчук Л. - Нормативно-правове забезпечення науково-інформаційної діяльності (2021)

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Matviichuk Larysa

Regulatory and Legal Support of Scientific and Information Activities

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of scientific and information work as a type of scientific activity. The subjectof the study is to show how this activity is governed by regulations: laws, state standards, instructions. Theimplemented research methods are historiographical and documentary analysis. Historiographic analysis demonstratesthat the problem of scientific information activity from the scientific point of view has not been systematicallystudied as of yet, but libraries describe these practical activities unsystematically. The list of the basic documentsregulating scientific and information work is defined. The shortcomings of the current regulatory support are defined,based on document analysis. In particular, it was determined that the laws regulate scientific and information activitiesonly of the technical component, ignoring the humanitarian component. The necessity for the current legal definitionsimprovement has been proved. Conclusions: according to the results of the analysis of domestic regulations,the main directions of scientific and information activities defined in the legislation have been determined. Theseinclude the creation, search (collection, recording), acquisition, processing of information; formation of reference andinformation funds, including databases and data banks; storage, usage, distribution (information dissemination,informing users, reference and information services). Libraries have been identified as the main subjects of scientificand information activities.

Keywords: scientific and information activity, scientific activity of libraries, types of scientific and informationactivity, legislative definition of scientific and information activity.

Author(s) citation:

Matviichuk Larysa (2021). Regulatory and Legal Support of Scientific and Information Activities. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (3) 3-11. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2021.03.003


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