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Гриценко Н. - Бібліографічні та реферативні бази даних як інструмент формування наукового портфоліо, Клюшнікова О., Сандул О. (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 2)Ukrainian English

Hrytsenko Nataliia, Kliushnikova Olena, Sandul Oksana

Bibliographic and abstract databases as a tool for forming a scientific portfolio

Section: Libraries in the digital environment

Abstract: The relevance of research. Abstract resources, given the features of the condensed information, are one of the most important tools for the formation and content of author's, journals and institutional profiles, producing a comprehensive scientific portfolio of the researcher, institution, scientific branch. The aim of the article is to determine the role of bibliographic and abstract databases in the processes of knowledge management and the specifics of the material compilation based on scientific portfolios of authors and institutions databases. Presentation of the main material. The participation of scientific libraries in the production and sharing of abstract information is considered. The role of electronic abstract information in the processes of digital scientific communication is substantiated. The means of biobibliographic organization and abstract information implemented by the world's leading scientometric platforms are analyzed. The potential of developing a complex scientific portfolio based on author and institutional profiles in bibliographic-abstract databases is determined. Conclusions. The tendency to the development of an increasingly branched scientometric superstructure, leading the array of scientific information sources, which requires the transformation of the functions of all institutions involved in digital scientific communication is analyzed. The organization of scientific identifiers, profiles and publications in the form of a network of scientific portfolios encourages the more thorough verification of scientific information and preparation of metadata in conventional formats. Abstract databases as an optimal level of research infrastructure are becoming the natural environment of scientific portfolios development. Scientific libraries as aggregators of biobibliographic and abstract resources, experts in digital scientific communication, intelligent technologies of knowledge organization should be the moderators of the process of developing and updating scientific portfolios, their further integration into research information management systems. The services developed by the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine are the source of forming a portfolio of academic scientists and segments of the knowledge management system ready for integration.

Keywords: author profiles, research infrastructure, institutional profiles, scientific portfolio, scientometrics, abstract information, knowledge management, digital scientific communication.

Author(s) citation:

Hrytsenko Nataliia (2021). Bibliographic and abstract databases as a tool for forming a scientific portfolio. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (2) 30-41. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2021.02.030


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