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Бондаренко В. - Бібліотечний мобільний сервіс як основа функціонування бібліотеки 4.0, Гранчак Т. (2021)

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Bondarenko Victoria, Hranchak Tetiana

Library Mobile Service as the Basis for Library 4.0 Functioning

Section: Libraries in the digital environment

Abstract: Relevance: In the context of further spread of digital technologies and online communication, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the necessity to find a solution for the question on adaptation of library services ways to today's complex conditions, determination of the strategic guidelines for library services taking into account the specifics of modern users is exacerbated. Purpose: The article is on the determination of the library mobile service role as a complex service-technological basis for the Library 4.0 functioning, the main characteristics of which are determined by ubiquity, permanence, personification, and involvement. Methods. The use of a set of research methods, historical, systemic, prediction, analytical review, document analysis, logical, inclusive, and external observation, allowed to analyze key trends in library services with constantly improving Internet and wireless connection technologies, to identify the place of library mobile service in this process not only as a component of library service system as a whole but also as a service and technological basis for communication between the library and the user at any time and in any place, providing personalized services. Scientific novelty. The key stages of development of mobile library service with the continuously improving Internet technologies are defined; its place and significance in the process of development of the library Internet service system are determined. Conclusions. The library mobile service is a natural stage in the development of library Internet services, which is evolving in the same direction as the key principles of the World Wide Web and aims to ensure human connection with the information, with other people, between devices and programs, between devices and applications, on the one hand, and people, on the other. Adaptation of Internet service to Smartphone technologies will ensure that in the future library service would meet the needs of worldwide and constant access to information through providing relevant information with the help of greater searching engine efficiency and reference services, which would allow talking about personalized service, user involvement in creating and disseminating new information.

Keywords: library mobile service, Library 4.0, mobile technologies, library internet service.

Author(s) citation:

Bondarenko Victoria (2021). Library Mobile Service as the Basis for Library 4.0 Functioning. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (2) 17-29. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2021.02.017


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