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Коваль Т. - Перспективи розвитку національних книгозбірень в епоху цифрового суспільства (за матеріалами визначальних документів UNESCO, IFLA, AALL, ALA, LIBER, WSIS), Лопата О. (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 2)Ukrainian English

Koval Tatiana, Lopata Olena

Prospects for sustained Development of National Libraries During the Era of Digital Society (on materials of the Defining Documents UNESCO, IFLA, AALL, ALA, LIBER and WSIS)

Section: Libraries in the digital environment

Abstract: The aim of the article is to analyze regulations of the European Union, the comprehensive program of digital library content of IFLA and WSIS, to standardize the legal instructions on adaptation of library work in the conditions of digital society. Methodology of the research has been based on systemic and structural approaches, on methods of comparative, logical and source analysis, including interdisciplinary approach. Scientific novelty. The main object of the publication is to study the legal norms of the UNESCO, IFLA, LIBER, AALL, WLIC and WSIS of the complete program of digital library content and implementation of strategy of open access. The five key trends that can potentially change the information environment and, respectively, library work are characterized: new technologies that both expand and limit who has access to information; online education that democratizes and disrupts global learning; the boundaries of privacy and data protection are redefined; hyper-connection that gives platform to and empowers new voices and groups; the global information economy transformation due to the new technologies. The basic concepts and terminology of "national library" are defined. Three categories of the functions and the main objectives facing national libraries are determined: core, additional and peripheral functions. The normative and legal regulations of the IFLA and LIBER in the library industry are analyzed. Conclusions. Standard and legal initiatives of IFLA, AALL, ALA, LIBER and WSIS are summed; the main factors in adapting libraries to conditions of digital society are determined; providing equal access to information and knowledge to library users; targeting libraries to international standards and regulatory documents; strengthening the image of libraries as key component of the socio-cultural environment; establishing collaboration and cooperation between libraries and other information structures; assistance to science development, education and increase in living standards in certain countries. The role of the V. I. Vernaskyi National Library of Ukraine in realization of specified tasks of library development work has been emphasized.

Keywords: a library in information society, digital society, regulatory and legal framework, UNESCO, IFLA, LIBER.

Author(s) citation:

Koval Tatiana (2021). Prospects for sustained Development of National Libraries During the Era of Digital Society (on materials of the Defining Documents UNESCO, IFLA, AALL, ALA, LIBER and WSIS). Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (2) 3-16. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2021.02.003


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