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Дем’янюк Л. - Бібліотечно-інформаційний комплекс Ісламської республіки Іран в умовах трансформації наукових комунікацій (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 2)Ukrainian English

Demianiuk Liudmyla

Library and Information Complex of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Context of Transformation of Scientific Communications

Section: Foreign library experience

Abstract: The aim of the article is to consider current trends in development of library and information complex of the Islamic Republic of Iran under conditions of scientific communication transformation. The subject of the study considers current trends in the development of library and information complex of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the scientific communication transformation, analyzes the forms and methods of their implementation, describes the chief directions of scientific knowledge distribution. The problematics of the study is the transition to new forms of interaction between the participants of communication process, new challenges posed to the library and information complex of Iran in assisting researchers at every stage of their activities and in distribution of scientific knowledge. Library researchers develop and implement innovative approaches that would be able to influence the optimization of internal and external forms of scientific communication. Being familiar with the experience of Iranian libraries becomes particularly relevant in the context of the scientific communications transformation. Research methodology is based on systemic and structural approaches, methods of logical and structural-functional analysis, comprehension, website content monitoring, etc. Scientific novelty. The chief ways and innovative approaches to conducting scientific communication in library and information institutions of Iran have been identified. The practical significance. Research contributes to greater awareness of native experts, the formation of professional scientific culture and of successful scientific communication conduct. Conclusions. It is determined that scientific communication is carried out in accordance with state strategies and development plans, the innovation policy of the institution itself. Steps taken thus far are the implementation of Japanese concept of Kaizen and the involvement of technology startups and experts on artificial intelligence in the field of library innovation.

Keywords: library and information complex, Islamic Republic of Iran, scientific communications,"Development Concept – 2025", involvement of startups, Japanese concept of Kaizen.

Author(s) citation:

Demianiuk Liudmyla (2021). Library and Information Complex of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Context of Transformation of Scientific Communications. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (2) 102-110. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2021.02.102


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