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Вакульчук О. - Особливості науково-інформаційного та бібліографічного опису багатотиражних газет (2021)

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Vakulchuk Olha

Features of Scientific and Informational and Bibliographic Description of Mass-circulation Newspapers

Abstract: Mass-circulation newspapers are a specific type of Soviet periodicals published at enterprises, collective farms, state farms, educational institutions, establishments, and military units by means of typography, lithography, or other printing methods. This group of publications can be objectively extended by such varieties as leaflets, appeals, thematic supplements, "pages", special issues, bulletins.The purpose of this paper is to explain the need for bibliographic study and scientific and informational processing of an array of mass-circulation newspapers published on the territory of modern Ukraine in the period of 1920 – early 1940 s. The methodology is based on the interpretation of the mass-circulation press as a bibliographic object, which is the source of compiling the repertoire of periodicals as part of the retrospective national bibliography of Ukraine. Recommendations on the scheme of description, the requirements of the scientific approach to the completeness and accuracy of the description, governed by theprovisions of State Standards formed the methodological basis for the description of mass-circulation newspapers in this paper. The noveltylies in the presentation of mass-circulation newspapers as an independent object of bibliographic research. The array of mass-circulation newspapers needs to be processed and systematized from the standpoint of modernity, which involves the creation of a system of traditional and electronic library and information resources, including printed bibliographic indexes and databases. Conclusions. It is time to conduct a full-fledgedhistorical and bibliographic study of the mass-circulation press with the disclosure of its potential as a multifaceted historical source, the object of library and bibliographic press studies. Historical and bibliographic study of mass-circulation newspapers meets the agenda of modern science to identify, publish, and introduce into scientific and cultural circulation as many sources as possible, which will help to reproduce a holistic picture of Ukraine in a certain historical period, including 1920s–1940s.

Keywords: mass-circulation press, newspaper periodicals, national bibliography, bibliographic description.

Author(s) citation:

Vakulchuk Olha (2021). Features of Scientific and Informational and Bibliographic Description of Mass-circulation Newspapers. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 56-64. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2021.01.056


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