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Тюркеджи Н. - Асистивні технології у бібліотеках: світовий і вітчизняний досвід (2021)

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Tiurkedzhy Nataliia

Assistive Technologies in Libraries: International and National Experience

Abstract: The relevance of the problem. In the age of information, when knowledge becomes especially important, the issue of access to this knowledge is also important. In these processes, the introduction and use of assistive technologies in librariesis significant. The purpose of the articleis to analyze the level of implementation of assistive technologies in libraries, based on national and international experience. The methodological basis of the research is the principles of objectivity and comprehensiveness. From the point of view of scientific methodology, the problem is considered on the basis of asystematic approach. The solution of problems was carried out through a system of general scientific and bibliographic methods: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, etc.), empirical (description), comparative, research. Presentation of the maintopic. Assistive technology gives people with special needs a chance to be more productive, independent, and receive education and information without difficulty. One of the main functions of the library in modern society is to provide free access to the Internet, various online tools, resources for training, employment, research, and so on. Conclusions. After studying the experience of foreign libraries in use of assistive technologies, we can identify problems that appear in the national libraries: imperfection of software and low level of knowledge of librarians about assistive technologies. Despitethese problems, today in the libraries of Ukraine there are more and more special centers which are focused on serving userswith special needs. Practical value.The study of foreign practice of using assistive technologies in libraries becomes anecessity and a reason for developing our own program for the implementation of these technologies in Ukrainian libraries.

Keywords: assistive technology, assistive products, accessibility, disability policy, inclusive space in the library.

Author(s) citation:

Tiurkedzhy Nataliia (2021). Assistive Technologies in Libraries: International and National Experience. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 48-55. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2021.01.048


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