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Лощинська Н. - Україномовні е-бібліотеки в сучасному Інтернет-просторі (2021)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2021, Issue 1)Ukrainian English

Loshchynska Nataliia

Ukrainian-language E-libraries in the Modern Internet Space

Abstract: Purpose of the article – to view the most popular sites with Ukrainian-language content, their functions and main tasks, the role in the organization of the educational process. Responding to this researcher, the role and future in the information space of Ukraine of electronic libraries. Methodology is based on the application of historical, comparative, descriptive research methods. Scientific novelty: for the first time in the article the ten most popular e-libraries are analyzed in detail by their structure, tasks, thematic content, openness of information, number of paid services, etc. A brief overview of the work of Ukrainian researchers in this field and the European Charter for the Preservation of Digital Heritage, adopted by UNESCO, is given. The issue of creating Internet libraries in Ukraine at the present stage is studied. Conclusions. In recent years, many online libraries have appeared in Ukraine, so to speak, for the needs of the day. They respond quickly to public requests by providing up-to-date information. Various aspects of Internet libraries are actively studied in the information library environment. However, Ukraine has not yet developed a comprehensive system of regulatory and methodological support for the creation of large-scale digital library resources, harmonized with international standards and norms of international law. Our country ranks first in the world in the number of free economic zones, so educational services are perhaps the most popular. First of all, it is important to pay attention to their connection with the educational needs of student youth. Today, electronic libraries are one of the most productive areas of digital technology development, and we can confidently predict their fruitful development in the near future.

Keywords: online library, digitization, content, digital document, website.

Author(s) citation:

Loshchynska Nataliia (2021). Ukrainian-language E-libraries in the Modern Internet Space. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 3-12. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2021.01.003


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