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Вакаренко О. - Забезпечення системного входження науково-видавничої діяльності НАН України до цифрових наукових комунікацій (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 6)Ukrainian English

Vakarenko Olena

Ensuring the Systematic Entry of Scientific and Publishing Activities of NAS of Ukraine Into Digital Scientific Communications

Abstract: Relevance. The development of digital technologies, the dominance of globalization processes in the world have radically changed the principles and means of scientific communication. A necessary condition for the dynamic development of scientific and publishing activities was the realization of the need to perceive changes in the digital world and the search for ways to solve certain problems in the new environment. The aim of the article is to analyze the scientific and methodological support of the transformation of publishing activities of the NAS of Ukraine and the inclusion of global trends in digital communications, which was implemented by the Publishing House "Akademperiodyka" as the basic organization of the Scientific Publishing Council of the NAS of Ukraine. The methodology is based on methods of analysis and synthesis of information on methods and means of entering the scientific and publishing activities of the NAS of Ukraine into the system of modern digital communication. The novelty of the study lies in highlighting the current process of entry of scientific and publishing activities in the system of digital scientific communication for the last ten years, which is presented for the first time. Conclusions: for the last 10 years, the Publishing House "Akademperiodyka" has consistently and persistently carried out systematic steps towards achieving important scientific and practical results in the direction of adaptation of publishing processes and integration of academic publications to modern requirements of world scientific communications. Considerable attention was paid to improving the coordination and information-analytical and methodological support of the appropriate level of publications of basic and applied research in the NAS of Ukraine, raising the level of academic scientific journals based on modern publishing information and communication technologies. A solid foundation has been laid for the introduction of international publishing standards and digital models of publishing, which create prospects for stable and effective functioning of the publishing activities of the NAS of Ukraine in the dynamic formation of the digital society.

Keywords: Publishing House "Akademperiodyka", scientific and publishing activities, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, scientific periodicals.

Author(s) citation:

Vakarenko Olena (2020). Ensuring the Systematic Entry of Scientific and Publishing Activities of NAS of Ukraine Into Digital Scientific Communications. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (6) 39-43. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2020.06.039


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