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Петров В. - Технологія формування реферативної бази даних "Україніка наукова": наукометричний потенціал, Крючин А., Лобузіна К., Гарагуля С., Балагура І., Мініна Н. (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 6)Ukrainian English

Petrov Viacheslav, Kriuchyn Andrii, Lobuzina Kateryna, Harahulia Serhii, Balahura Iryna, Minina Natalia

Technology of Forming an Abstract Database "Ukrainika Scientific": Scientometric Potential

Abstract: The urgency of the problem. Modern scientific e-environment is extremely mobile, information in it should circulate without delay. The logical consequence of such requirements of the scientific user audience was, on the one hand, the organic combination of abstract and full-text information in electronic resources of scientific periodicals, and on the other, modern research technologies dictated the need for thorough scientifometric research, the effectiveness of the results of scientific activities in various fields of knowledge, and in combination – to carry out multi-parameter analysis and determine the contribution of scientists to the development of regional, domestic and world science. Abstract database "Ukrainika Scientific" in the context of new requirements of the scientific environment has the potential for qualitative change. The aim of the article is to analyze the scientometric potential of the abstract database "Ukrainika Scientific" in the context of its integration with full-text resources and services for the formation of a scientific portfolio. Results. The potential of abstract information in the formation of the Ukrainian National Citation Index and the National Repository of Academic Texts is considered. The task of transforming the abstract database "Ukrainika Scientific" into a scientometric database is analyzed. The development of the system of presenting abstract information, the improvement of the abstract database should be carried out in the directions of increasing the volume of modern abstract information and deepening the retrospective. In order to quickly fill the abstract database "Ukrainika Scientific", to ensure a more complete filling of the database with abstracts of articles in scientific periodicals, it is advisable to fill the database using a full-text database of scientific periodicals of Ukraine. Conclusions. Conditions for effective use of the abstract database "Ukrainika Scientific" are associated with the creation of an effective search engine in the abstract database. For wider use of the abstract database it is necessary to develop a scientometric apparatus to study trends in Ukrainian science using the technology of complex networks. There is a need to create a single independent scientific resource that can be transformed and integrated into the National Scientific Information System, which will contain complete information about all scientific institutions in the country. The abstract database "Ukrainika Scientific" and its integration with full-text databases of scientific publications, a database of scientists can be the basis for the formation of the National Scientific Information System.

Keywords: abstract database, data structure standards, full-text database, information retrieval, library electronic resources, metadata, scientometrics.

Author(s) citation:

Petrov Viacheslav (2020). Technology of Forming an Abstract Database "Ukrainika Scientific": Scientometric Potential. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (6) 7-14. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2020.06.007


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