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Мельничук В. - Cтаровинні картографічні документи в освітніх заходах бібліотеки, Романчук М., Уваров Ю. (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 5)Ukrainian English

Melnychuk Valentyna, Romanchuk Mariana, Uvarov Yurii

Ancient Cartographic Documents in Educational Activities for Library Readers

Abstract: This article generalizes the experience of educational and cultural work with readers of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine in the library's cartography hall. Problem Statement. Ancient geographical maps not only serve as a source of geographic and historical information but also represent cultural value, a material historical object and a work of graphic art. In a modern library, like in a centre for culture and education, ancient geographical maps may also be demonstrated during educational events in addition to their use for research purposes. The collection of cartographic publications available in the cartography hall allows to work with readers in various ways. Ancient geographical maps are also used in this work as material objects of the past and as works of graphic art which help convey important ideas to the participants of events, the most important ofwhich are respect to achievements of the past and the need to preserve nature and cultural achievements. The research iscarried out in order to clarify the features of the use of material objects of the past (originals or copies) in educational activities. A substantial volume of specialized literature and cartographic materials was analyzed in the course of studying peculiarities of educational activityin the library's cartography hall; peculiarities of organizing educational events were observed, and the opinion of attendees and specialists was studied. In the age of broad use of electronic means of information and printed products made using advanced technologies, it becomesvery important to preserve and popularize cultural achievements of the past, in particular, printed and handwritten books, geographical maps and otherdocuments. Under these conditions, peculiarities of using material objects of the past (originals or copies) in educational activity are changed. In addition to other information, a pedagogical narration about ancient geographical maps should place a greater emphasis upon their peculiarities as material objects of the past and as a kind of works of visual art. For that purpose, the relevant educational events(presentations, exhibitions, lectures, speeches, conversations, etc.) must be organized and observed, the relevant experience must be accumulated andsystemized, and verbal narrations and written materials related to the aforementioned educational events which include demonstration of ancient cartographic documents must be analyzed

Keywords: cartography, cartographic publications of V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, sociocultural activities, exhibition activity

Author(s) citation:

Melnychuk Valentyna (2020). Ancient Cartographic Documents in Educational Activities for Library Readers. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (5) 21-27. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2020.05.021


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