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Прокопенко Л. - Поточна національна бібліографія Швеції ХIХ – ХХІ ст.: від каталогізації до "каталінкізації" (2020)

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Prokopenko Liliia

The Current National Bibliography of Sweden ХIХ - ХХІ Centuries: from Cataloging to «Сatаlinking»

Abstract: Current national bibliography of Sweden as one of the highest quality products in its field, and its preparation as one of the most successful historical practices deserves special attention today. Its study is important for bibliographic practice.The aim of the articleis a historical andbibliographical generalization of the basic directions and results of the development of current national bibliography of Sweden for ХIX-ХХІ centuries .Methodological basis of research are principles of historical method, objectivity, comprehensiveness and continuity. From positions of scientific methodology, a problem is examined on the basis of historical and system approaches. The decision of the tasks was carried out by the system of general scientific, historical and bibliographic methods: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, etc.), empiric (description), comparative, retrospective, chronological, studyof the literary and bibliographic sources.Scientific noveltyof the study consists in the representation of the entire picture of the establishment and evolution of the current national bibliography of Sweden; the analysis is made of the main bibliographies; the contribution of some bibliographers and institutions is defined.Results of the study.The history of current national bibliography of Sweden is closely linked to book publishing and book trade associations and the Royal Library of Sweden. National bibliographic data are a valuable source of national press statistics. An analysis of the current practice of current national bibliography of Sweden shows that today the most modern technologies and tools are used to create and maintain the viability ofthe system of current national bibliography as a complete and operational information resource in the context of digitalization. Considered current national bibliographic products are distinguished by perfect quality of compilation. The achievement of national bibliography of Sweden is that the openingterm of its current component directly adjoins to the final of the accounting period of retrospective one, which makes it possible to reach the entire printed production of the country

Keywords: the current national bibliography of Sweden, the foreign bibliography, the history of bibliography, the Royal (National) Library of Sweden

Author(s) citation:

Prokopenko Liliia (2020). The Current National Bibliography of Sweden ХIХ - ХХІ Centuries: from Cataloging to «Сatаlinking». Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (5) 3-13. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2020.05.003


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