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Колоскова Г. - Фонд головної бібліотеки регіону: історія становлення та розвитку (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 4)Ukrainian English

Koloskova Halyna

Fund of the Main Library of Region: History of Formation and Development

Abstract: The article studies the way of formation, application and development of the library fund of Dnipro regional universal library from the date of establishment to the present day. The modern content and sources of formation has been analyzed. The role of the library in the information space and meeting the requirements of modern users has been specified. The city and regional information library potential has been investigated. Dnipro regional universal scientific library named after Primary Slavonic Teachers Kyryl and Mephody by the fund volume and the date of establishment can be referred to the largest and the oldest regional universal scientific libraries in Ukraine. The library fund as the main information resource of the establishment has been modified influenced by the time changes, historical events and information requirements of the society. The purpose of the given article is to study the way of formation, application and development of the library fund of Dnipro regional universal library from the date of establishment to the present day, to analyze the modern content and sources of fund formation, to specify the role of the library in the information space and meeting the requirements of modern users, to investigate the city and regional information library potential. The results of research demonstrated the historical aspect of the fund formation for the period of 185 years of existing of Dnipro regional universal scientific library. The analysis of library reports (1891-1914 рр.), post-revolutionary period reports (1917-1941), war and post-war period (1943-1960), years of the peaceful soviet-time period (1960-1991) and the years of independence of Ukraine (1991-2019) proved that the library fund changed by the quantity and quality in accordance with the social and economic changes of the state and historical events happened within about two centuries. Basing on the results of the analysis of the experience of Dnipro regional universal scientific library, information analytical reports, statistics of the site visits, feedback from the specialists of the given establishment it was stated that the main sources of fund formation for today are budget and extra-budget funds, state programs, exchange reserve fund, charity and sponsor support, introduction of the author's samples, documents published in Dnipro region, presents from the readers. The important addition to the traditional fund is "The e-library of Dnipro region" and the e-library "The collections" presented on the site of Dnipro regional universal scientific library. It was proved that in the conditions of fast development of information technologies and the new format of data presenting the traditional library funds still remain one of the main information resources of the scientific library, the important source of satisfying the information needs of different categories of users and make up the large part of library information potential of the city Dnipro and Dnipropetrovsk region.

Keywords: Dnipropetrovsk Regional Universal Scientific Library, library fund, electronic fund, information needs.

Author(s) citation:

Koloskova Halyna (2020). Fund of the Main Library of Region: History of Formation and Development. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 25-32. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2020.04.025


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