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Косенко О. - Ретрокаталогізація журналів та продовжуваних видань у підшивках ретроспективної частини фонду Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського, Шекера П. (2020)

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Kosenko Olena, Shekera Petro

Retro-Cataloging of Journals and Continuing Editions in the Files of the Retrospective Part of the Fund of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Abstract: The article is devoted to the process of retrocataloguing of journals and continuing editions from card to electronic catalog of the V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on certain aspects of the use of electronic resources of the scientific library, in particular the electronic catalog, which are covered by modern scientists I. Bankovska, T. Yaroshenko, V. Yushkovets, S. Chakanova and others. Examples of V. Korolenko Kharkiv State Scientific Library and the V. Sukhomlynsky State Scientific Pedagogical Library of Ukraine, in which technologies of retrospective cataloging are developed. The NBUV has chosen a completely different path for the retroconversion of periodicals and continuing publications, which requires painstaking work, starting with the reconciliation of funds with a card catalog and ending with the creation of a full-fledged bibliographic record. In the main NBUV bookstore periodicals cover the chronological framework of the XVII – XXI centuries. The NBUV catalogers started the retroconversion of the card catalog of journals and continuing editions simultaneously with the creation of the database in retrospective of the electronic catalog. For more effective work created scientific and methodological Instructions for processing journals and continuing editions. Methodical recommendations, which were developed by the Library's specialists, regulate the compilation of bibliographic description of individual issues of journals and continuing editions, filling in fields, registration of each issue, which is in the electronic catalog of the V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. The main directions of work on recataloguing of periodicals, which are placed on the shelves of the NBUV book depository in binders, in one cover, are considered. Many ancient editions of the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries. retrospective part of the magazines are stored in the form of a standard typographic cover. The general requirements to RETRO binders (numbers with binders) are outlined. Examples of the formation of the inventory number of the copy of the file, which carries out all the necessary processes to create a bibliographic record in the electronic catalog are confirmed by screenshots. Methods, technologies of registration of issues of magazines and continuing editions under one cover, but with the variants are allocated. The nontraditional approach to retrospective cataloging of journals and continuing publications, the positive experience gained by our team in this field will be useful for librarians. Retro-cataloging of periodicals forms the basis of the future full-fledged electronic reference and search apparatus of the entire library fund.

Keywords: electronic catalog of VNLU, retrocatalogue, retroconversion, binders of VNLU magazines, bibliographic record, retrospective part of journals.

Author(s) citation:

Kosenko Olena (2020). Retro-Cataloging of Journals and Continuing Editions in the Files of the Retrospective Part of the Fund of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 9-16. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2020.04.009


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