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Журавльова I. - Інформаційний простір у сучасній університетській бібліотеці (2020)

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Zhuravliova Iryna

Informative Space in the Modern University Library

Abstract: The article presents the view of the university library readers - students and professors on the organization of modern library space: physical and online. Analytical materials from the researches conducted by the Social and Humanitarian Research Center at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University among students and lecturers regarding the views on the library are provided; the results of a survey among readers, the scientists’ vision for the development of the library in the information age are given. The digital technologies already introduced in our lives have created new opportunities for communication among users and the library. One of the important results of the student survey conducted by the Social and Humanitarian Research Center is the fact that Instagram is the most popular social network among students today, but lecturers are more likely to use Facebook and therefore there is a communicative dissonance - lecturers do not usually meet with students on social networking sites. This also applies to the library activities through the use of social networks, therefore the social demand of modern youth should be taken into account. The facts are about turning a scientific library from a storage place for funds into an innovative creative and comfortable space for its users. The author shows that the automation and digitization of library processes have created opportunities for a new quality library space, which is open not only for physical users, but also for the world user from any country and time zone. At the same time, the author tries to answer the readers' question "What should be done in the library so that readers can enjoy it?" from the experience of the Central Scientific Library at Karazin University.

Keywords: library space, information space in the library, modern library user, social communication, social networks in the library, readers' survey, Central Scientific Library at Karazin University.

Author(s) citation:

Zhuravliova Iryna (2020). Informative Space in the Modern University Library. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (3) 3-9. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2020.03.003


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