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Дуднік О. - Бібліографічна винниченкіана (ХХ – початок ХХІ ст.) (2020)

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Dudnik Oleksandr

Bibliographical Vynnychenkiana (XX – beginning of XXI century)

Abstract: Іn the article are being considered peculiarities of reflection of life activity (creative and political), as well as personal traits (character, world outlook, views) of the Great Ukrainian – V. K. Vynnychenko in the contents and materials of bibliographical manuals Much attention is paid to the history of the publication of the largest bibliographic works devoted to his works and to him personally, their of topic's of contents and characteristics. The article introduces researchers to the bibliographic base of life of V. Vynnychenko and encourages them to continue their study and rethink the role of this distinguished figure, first and foremost, in the Ukrainian Revolution and the Liberation struggle of 1917–1921. V. Vynnychenko was recognized as a talented writer in Ukraine during his lifetime, but as a statesman-politician is still evaluated negatively by researchers, although his political and creative activities have been inextricably linked. There are two major periods in the history of the bibliographic works dedicated to Vynnychenko: 1926–1929 and 1989–1995, between which a long time of oblivion and prohibition in Ukraine. Both are characterized primarily by the recognition of his literary talent. The first bibliographies were devoted to his creative, not political activities. In the 1920-s years the Soviet authorities believed that V. Vynnychenko's political activities were beyond the literary boundaries, that thanks to the latter, he has earned a grateful memory. The important bibliographic source, that reveals not only the creativity but also the political, philosophical views and statesmanship of V. Vynnychenko is the annotated index "Vladimir Vynnychenko", concluded by V. Stelmashenko. Its peculiarity is in its wide and versatile informative nature, which is explained by the presence of thorough annotations to the monographs, publications and articles about V. Vynnychenko and his activities. This bibliographic index can be considered as a personal encyclopedia of V. Vynnychenko. The second period in the creation of bibliographical works (1989–1995) about V. Vinnychenko is characterized by the presence of bibliographic descriptions of works of the times of "Vidlyga", "Perebudova" and restoration of Ukrainian sovereign statehood. For the bibliography of this period V. Vynnychenko is a world-wide writer and statesman, a patriot-politician who "did not accept new realities" during the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people in 1917–1921. And one of the founders of the modern "Vynnychenkiany" was M. Zhulinsky. Bibliographic manuals of the beginning of the XXI century (third period) are characterized by the emergence of the section "vinnychenkiana", which presents the materials of conferences, new scientific studies, dedicated to V. Vinnychenko and his work, where are more descriptions of the works of the socio-political views of a prominent figure. Many works in modern bibliographies about V. Vynnychenko reveal him as a philosopher and critic. All three periods of bibliographic knowledge about vynnychenkianu are characterized by the presence of studies in which V. Vynnychenko's creativity is compared with that of famous foreign writers.

Keywords: bibliographic knowledge, V. Vynnychenko, bibliographic manuals, artistic creativity, political activity, literary criticism, V. Vynnychenko's archive, vynnychenkoznavstvo.

Author(s) citation:

Dudnik Oleksandr (2020). Bibliographical Vynnychenkiana (XX – beginning of XXI century). Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (2) 17-29. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2020.02.017


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