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Добровольська В. - Теоретико-методологічні засади дослідження соціокомунікаційного простору культури (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 6)Ukrainian English

Dobrovolska Viktoriya

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of the Study of Socio-communication Space of Culture

Abstract: The article substantiates the possibilities of comprehensive study of the socio-communication space of culture on the basis of the use of cognitive capabilities, as well as systemic, structural and functional approaches. The concept of socio-communication space of culture is revealed. The sociocommunication space of culture has its own functions, infrastructure and subject components that are determined by the modern and perspective possibilities of information technologies and the need for the development of documentary communication. In order to substantiate the theoretical and methodological apparatus, the properties of the socio-communication space of culture as a developing system and the multifaceted contradictions due to the tendencies of culture development as a higher level system are studied. The methodological bases of studying the socio-communication space of culture are considered, which can be developed on the basis of modern approaches to knowledge, formed on the grounds of general scientific categories, to which the philosophy includes a group of rapidly expanding in various fields of knowledge fundamental concepts of a very high degree of generalization. It is about "system", "structure", "function" and so on. The cognitive function of these categories is manifested precisely in the formation on their basis of appropriate general scientific approaches – systemic, structural, functional, which need to be disseminated in documentary research. Attention is paid to the study of the socio-communication space of culture at the stage of development of information technologies in the functional section as an integral part of the system of social communications. The interaction of communication and system approach is demonstrated, which allows to study the socio-communication space of culture as a complex communication-oriented system. Combining the capabilities of communication and structural approaches makes it possible to study the communication orientation of the structural elements of the sociocommunication space of culture and the workflow development. The integration of communication and functional approaches is aimed at studying the influence of the external environment on communication processes in the socio-communication space of culture.

Keywords: social communications, socio-communication space of culture, documentary science, research methodology of space of culture.

Author(s) citation:

Dobrovolska Viktoriya (2019). Theoretical and Methodological Principles of the Study of Socio-communication Space of Culture. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (6) 10-17. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2019.06.010


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