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Лобузіна К. - Зміни у підходах до опису бібліотечних ресурсів (1967–2017): світовий досвід (2019)

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Lobuzina Kateryna

Changing Approaches to Describing Library Resources (1967–2017): World Experience

Abstract: The results of research and analysis of the stages of development of approaches to the description of library resources in the period 1967–2017 are presented. Key concepts, trends, and events that highlighted each of the days of progress in the library’s description standards are analyzed. The importance of introducing semantic models for describing library resources is emphasized.

Keywords: description standards, data structure standards, metadata, data exchange protocols, machine-readable cataloging, electronic bibliography, library electronic resources, semantic technologies.

Author(s) citation:

Lobuzina Kateryna (2019). Changing Approaches to Describing Library Resources (1967–2017): World Experience. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (5) 13-19. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2019.05.013


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