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Жук В. - К вопросу установления года выпуска украинских изданий аграрной тематики первой трети ХХ в., недатированных при опубликовании (по материалам Белорусской сельскохозяйственной библиотеки) (2019)

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Zhuk Vitalii

On the Issue of Establishing the Year of the Undated Editions of Ukrainian Agrarian Publications of the First Third of the 20th Centurie (Based on the Materials of Belarus Agricultural Library)

Abstract: Printed editions of the XVIII – the first half of the XX century, testifying to the formation and development of agricultural scientific knowledge, are of interest both as the scientific heritage and as objects of bibliological studies. The article considers the Ukrainian editions on agriculture of the first third of the ХХ century, stored in the collection of I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The publisher’s imprint of these editions have no information on dating. Based on a combination of a complex of general logical (historical and logical methods, comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization) and specific methods (bibliographical, statistical groupings, historical and bibliological analysis), the author conducted research on the establishment of the year of publication of undated editions. To achieve this goal the peculiarities of publishing as well as the development of social and political processes in Ukraine in the first third of the XX century were studied; the library funds of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine were reviewed for the presence of similar (place, date and type of publication; the same authors) publications, their analytics was performed; original agricultural scientific works that are directly related to the objects of the study (previous and subsequent numbers of periodical and editions of published books) were studied. The facts and arguments presented in the article led to the conclusion that the brochure of V. V. Dobrovlyanskiy «About the cabbage aphid (Aphis brassicae L.)» was published in 1912. The second edition of the textbook of M. A. Maltsev «Operational Surgery. Guide for veterinarians and students» was published in 1922, the 11th and 12th editions of «Works of Ivanovo Agricultural Experimental and Breeding Station» – in 1923.

Keywords: Ukrainian publications of the first third of the ХХ century, agrarian publications, undated editions, bibliological studies, history of agricultural science, figures of agrarian science, agricultural experimental work.

Author(s) citation:
  • Zhuk Vitalii (Scientific and Methodological Activity, State Institution «I. S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library», National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus, Research@belal.by)

Zhuk Vitalii (2019). On the Issue of Establishing the Year of the Undated Editions of Ukrainian Agrarian Publications of the First Third of the 20th Centurie (Based on the Materials of Belarus Agricultural Library). Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 19-26. doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2019.04.019


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