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Ільницька Л. - Бібліографія української книги в Галичині, на Буковині, Закарпатті, Волині і в еміграції (1914 – 1939): науково-методичні засади створення видавничого проекту та його реалізація (2019)

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Ilnytska L.

Bibliography of the Ukrainian Book in Galicia, Bukovyna, Zakarpattia, Volyn and in Emigration, 1914 – 1939: Scientific-Methodological Principles of the Creation and Realization of the Publishing Project

Abstract: The article presents theoretical foundations and organizational issues related to the process of creation of the bibliography of Ukrainian editions duringthe interwar period in the Western Ukraine and in emigration. The publishing project of the Vasyl Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library of Ukraineproduced four volumes (in six books) of the bibliographical index «Ukrainian book in Galicia, Bukovyna, Zakarpattia, Volyn and in emigration, 1914-1939», which catalogue editions of 1914-1931, whereas following two volumes are currently in preparation. In this article we prove the importance ofsuch the bibliography, given the fact that the Ukrainian editions of this period have been contained in the restricted access “Special archive” until theearly 1990’s. A complete list of such publications will provide an opportunity to create a real picture of the all-Ukrainian cultural process during the interwarperiod. We analyze the bibliography principles for Ukrainian editions developed by leading Ukrainian bibliographers I. Levytskyj, M. Komarov, and Yu.Mezhenko. The main research database is the archive of the Academic library in Lviv, which holds the most complete collection of the Ukrainianeditions of the given period and the region. We emphasize on the completeness of the bibliography due to the use, for the first time in Ukraine, the availableonline catalogues of the National libraries of certain European countries and the WorldCat bibliography database. We also point out on the informationcompleteness of the bibliography records achieved by preserving the main principles of the bibliography: personal eye-check of the editions and theircontents, attribution of the authorship, identification of publications with no publishing date, inclusion of the specific information about the publication(the authorship of the cover, gift inscriptions, autographs, seals, etc.).

Keywords: Ukrainian editions, Western Ukraine, Galicia, Bukovyna, Zakarpattia, Volyn, interwar period (1914-1939), Ukrainian emigration,WorldCat

Author(s) citation:

Ilnytska L. (2019). Bibliography of the Ukrainian Book in Galicia, Bukovyna, Zakarpattia, Volyn and in Emigration, 1914 – 1939: Scientific-Methodological Principles of the Creation and Realization of the Publishing Project. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (2) 16-23. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2019.02.016


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