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Ісаєва О. - Інтелектуальний пошуковий інструментарій знаннєвих ресурсів у порталі "Наука України", Дорош М., Власова Т. (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 2)Ukrainian English

Isaieva O., Dorosh M., Vlasova T.

Intelligent Search Tools of Knowledge Resources in the Portal "Science of Ukraine"

Abstract: Increasing the effectiveness of scientific research on the basis of information resources Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (VNLU) provides theportal «Science of Ukraine» as an actual information component of the content of the official site.An intellectual search tool in the web environment on the portal «Science of Ukraine» is an authoritative work.New functions of authoritative work on a person are embodied in the search profile of a scientist.The distinction between the names of persons and the names of the institutions serves for the correlation of authoritative and bibliographic files, boththe electronic catalog of the VNLU and the EC libraries that are registered on the portal, and which accumulate the scientific information resources oftheir institutions.The formation of a knowledge society, the consistent solution of the tasks of transforming the Library into a modern center of integration, highlyintellectual processing and the targeted dissemination of scientific, cultural, business and other socially important information on all types of media isimpossible without an in-depth attention to each scientist, research institution and the scientific community together.

Keywords: scientist profile, authority work, authority file, authoritative data, science resources

Author(s) citation:

Isaieva O. (2019). Intelligent Search Tools of Knowledge Resources in the Portal "Science of Ukraine". Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (2) 10-15. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2019.02.010


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