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Мацюк Г. - Представлення знань у вузькоспеціальних предметних областях за допомогою тезауруса, Кунанець Н. (2019)

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Matsiuk H. , Kunanets N.

Representation of Knowledge in Narrow Focused Data Domains Using Thesaurus

Abstract: The role of the branch information retrieval thesaurus in the processes of data domain terminology systematization is analyzed in this paper. Information retrieval thesaurus is considered as the language model of a certain data domain. The possibility of using the information retrieval thesaurus as the means of increasing the retrieval ratio in modern information retrieval systems is considered. The algorithm of thesaurus formation for narrow focused data domains is offered. The importance of creating the data domain thesaurus model is substantiated in this paper.

Keywords: thesaurus, subject area, information search, term, descriptor.

Author(s) citation:

Matsiuk H. (2019). Representation of Knowledge in Narrow Focused Data Domains Using Thesaurus. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 19-23. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2019.01.019


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