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Васьківська Ольга - Державницька політика українських та радянського урядів у сфері книговидання в роки визвольних змагань (2018)

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Vaskivska Olha

State politics of the ukrainian and soviet governments in the field of book publishing during the liberation struggle

Section: To the 100th anniversary of Ukrainian revolution (1917–1921)

Abstract: On the basis of primary sources was made a comprehensive analysis of the policy of Ukrainian and Soviet governments in the field of book publishing during the years of liberation. It was established that the governments (UCR, UNR, Hetmanate, Directorate) set the task of raising the level of Ukrainian book publishing, presenting the best examples of the printed word, educating their own readers, and ultimately contributing to the development of Ukrainians as a conscious and viable national entity. It is stressed that legal provision, financial support of publishing activities are their undisputable merit. The attention is focused on exclusive use by the Bolsheviks of domestic book publishing for propaganda among the population of their ideology, attraction the masses of the people.

Keywords: UCR, UNR, Hetmanate, Directorate, VUCVK, RNK USRR, book publishing, legislative acts, publishing houses, Ukrainian editions of the years of 1917-1920.

Author(s) citation:

Vaskivska Olha (2018). State politics of the ukrainian and soviet governments in the field of book publishing during the liberation struggle. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (5) 28-32. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2018.05.028


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