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Соколов Віктор - Теорія бібліопсихології М. О. Рубакіна та її інтерпретації (2018)

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Sokolov Viktor

M. O. Rubakin’s Theory of Bibliopsihology and Its Interpretation

Abstract: The article describes the essence, object, subject, basic provisions and methodological principles of the theory of bibliophysics M. Rubakin; analyzed their place and role in the formation of domestic readership; the basic tasks and functions of bibliopsychology are revealed; the interpretation of the contents of bibliophysiology in the latest research on librarianship and book science is presented; some methodological approaches and the content of individual studies on studying the reader’s psychology and reading are analyzed; the importance of the development of bibliophysics in the strengthening of the integration of sciences, studying information and communication activities of the person

Keywords: M. O. Rubakin, library science, book science, bibliophysiology, reader’s aesthetics, psychology of reading, the story of the book, classification of readers, classification of books.

Author(s) citation:

Sokolov Viktor (2018). M. O. Rubakin’s Theory of Bibliopsihology and Its Interpretation. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 28-41. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2018.04.028


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