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Соколов В. - Використання електронних експозицій у роботі музеїв історії бібліотек (2018)

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Sokolov V.

The Use of Electronic Expositions in the Work of Museums of the History of Libraries

Abstract: In the article the peculiarities of the organization and work of these museums, the specifics of the compilation and advantages of the electronic format museum exhibits, general features of the activity and the significance of museums in the history of libraries, in particular, in electronic form, in the development of scientific research, exhibition and cultural-mass work of bookshops, in raising the image of library activity.

Keywords: history of libraries, museum of library history, library innovations, library lore studies, library museums, virtual museums.

Author(s) citation:
  • Sokolov V. (Yaroslav Mudryi National Library of Ukraine)

Sokolov V. (2018). The Use of Electronic Expositions in the Work of Museums of the History of Libraries. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (2) 24-33. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2018.02.024


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