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Шпаргало Євген - Висвітлення подій Української революції 1917 – 1921 рр. часописом "Вісті комбатанта" (2018)

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Shparhalo Yevhen

Elucidation of Ukrainian Revolution Events 1917 – 1921 in Journal "The News of the Combatant"

Section: to the 100th anniversary of Ukrainian revolution (1917–1921)

Abstract: Analyzed the coverage of events of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917 – 1921 on the pages of the Journal of the Combatant, which is stored in the funds of the Department of Foreign Ukrainika at the Institute of Book Science of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. It was found out that the main aspect, which was focused on the authors of the journal articles, was military events of national liberation struggle in Ukraine at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Keywords: Department of Foreign Ukrainika at the Institute of Book Science of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukrainian revolution 1917–1921, «The news of the combatant», veteran organization of Ukrainian Diaspora.

Author(s) citation:

Shparhalo Yevhen (2018). Elucidation of Ukrainian Revolution Events 1917 – 1921 in Journal "The News of the Combatant". Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 28-34. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2018.01.028


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