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Шкаріна Віталіна - Розвиток системи національних метабібліографічних посібників в Україні (2018)

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Shkarina Vitalina

Development of The System of National Metabibliographic Manuals in Ukraine

Abstract: The article deals with the questions of the national metabliography as a part of the national bibliography of Ukraine. The stages of the development of the system of national metabiliographic manuals from its origin to the present are observed. The content of the concept «national bibliography» is derived. The system of current and retrospective accounting of sources of secondary information is distinguished. The state bibliographic registration manuals, which partially reflect bibliographical references, as well as publications that are completely metabilographic, are analyzed. Separately, bibliographic textbooks of Ukrainian-speaking content and biobibliographic metabibliographic indexes are allocated. Attention is also drawn to other solid metabibraphic resources, including electronic ones, which serve as materials for national bibliophysical manuals. The metabibliographic manuals and databases of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine are characterized.

Keywords: national bibliography of Ukraine, national bibliography of the second degree, national metabibliography, national metabibliographic manuals, metabibliographic resources.

Author(s) citation:

Shkarina Vitalina (2018). Development of The System of National Metabibliographic Manuals in Ukraine. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (1) 3-9. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/bv2018.01.003


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