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Антонюк Тетяна - Книгознавча характеристика видань української діаспори та їх роль у консолідації українства (2017)

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Antoniuk Tetiana

The Book Reference Characteristics of Ukrainian Diaspora Issues and Their Role in the Consolidation of Ukraine

Abstract: The masked publications of the Department of Foreign Ukrainica at the Institute of Book Science of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine as one of the means of consolidating Ukrainian nationality and the struggle for Ukrainian independence were under investigation. It was found that in the diaspora during 1959–1982 years certain publishing houses issued books which purpose was to disseminate the true knowledge of the important events in Ukrainian history and to consolidate Ukrainians in the struggle for Ukrainian independence. It was found out that some of these publications succeeded, after overcoming customs control, to achieve the territory of the mainland Ukraine and to help the citizens of the Ukrainian SSR to learn the truth about the liberation struggles of Ukrainians in 1917–1921 and in the Second World War, about the true heroes of Ukraine, to grasp the true national and social policy of the USSR and an objective history of Ukraine. It was established that these editions are rare and valuable and cause an increasing interest of the users, all those who learn about their availability in the book space. It was characterized the masked editions according to the following book-research criteria: printing types, format, artistic design, features of the covering and materials, the attributes of the owner’s property; it was also signified its value and showed its difficult path to the reader. The signs of its value are determined. Its role in awakening the national consciousness and consolidating Ukrainians is assessed. It has been established that the publishing falsifications, as the rare book editions, require a detailed study, an establishment of their true authors, publishers, years and places of publications as well as the methods of its traditional and electronic bibliographic description.

Keywords: publishing falsification, foreign Ukrainian fund of the Institute of Book Science of NBUV, book editions of the Ukrainian diaspora, bibliographical description of the masked edition.

Author(s) citation:

Antoniuk Tetiana (2017). The Book Reference Characteristics of Ukrainian Diaspora Issues and Their Role in the Consolidation of Ukraine. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (6) 18-22. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2017_6_5


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