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Соколов Віктор - Валеологічний супровід бібліотечно-інформаційної діяльності в шкільних бібліотеках (2017)

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Sokolov Viktor

Valeological Support of Library and Information Activity in School Libraries

Abstract: In the article in general outlines the characteristic of the originality of the formation of valeological function in the school library. The aim of the article is to study the peculiarities of the valeological support of library and information activities in school libraries, as well as the analysis of the specifics of their library and cultural and educational work aimed at developing the health culture of the subjects of this activity. The author successively reveals the peculiarities of the formation of the valeological function of school libraries in the conditions of the development of the information society and the dissemination of information and telecommunication technologies in libraries. The article describes the cultural and educational activities of libraries aimed at developing the culture of health of not only readers (schoolchildren, their parents, teachers), but also librarians themselves. The author of the article used both general scientific methods of scientific research (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, generalization, abstraction, comparative, structural-functional methods, method of system analysis, etc.) and special (method of analysis of analog objects, information processing, groupings). In the course of the research V. Sokolov came to the following conclusions about what is necessary: to equip educational libraries technically; To update and strengthen the information base and book funds of school libraries; Ensure the access of libraries to information resources, in particular the Internet; Form a unified electronic database of school library funds; Develop a form of resource integration with other educational libraries; Create a provision on the status of libraries of basic schools; To develop a system for improving the skills of school library staff; Organize special training for school librarians to master their knowledge and skills of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, the school librarian must be trained for a separate professional specialization. The development of social life requires him to know not only the basics of valeology, but also the ability to navigate in information technologies, the diversity of school curricula and the training courses of many subjects. Only by combining the efforts of general education institutions and school libraries, teachers and librarians can modern problems of information education and the formation of a high level of valeological culture be solved. Pedagogical experience shows that knowledge on the formation and preservation of health is a necessary, but insufficient factor in the development of the student’s personality. In order to influence behavior, informative methods should be combined with life skills of effective work and rest, physical activity, rational nutrition, the ability to analyze health issues, and make appropriate decisions. Thus, the formation of a culture of health through library and information activities provides for the arming of readers and librarians of schools, knowledge about social and individual health, about certain information technologies and their practical application in their activities.

Keywords: school library and information centers, library valeology, valeological support of library and informational activity, culture of health of schoolchildren and employees of school libraries, reading culture.

Author(s) citation:

Sokolov Viktor (2017). Valeological Support of Library and Information Activity in School Libraries. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (6) 10-17. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2017_6_4


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