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Шемаєва Ганна - Коеволюційні стратегії розвитку бібліотек (2017)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2017, Issue 5)Ukrainian English

Shemaieva Hanna

Coevolutionary Strategies of Libraries’ Development

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to substantiate the strategies of the development of libraries in the up-to-date system of social communications based on the principles of co-evolution. Research methodology is generalization of various scientific views on the theory of co-evolution as a methodological basis for identifying the further strategies of the development of libraries. Results. Modern co-evolutionary methodology is a system of scientific principles for developing a new theoretical and practical picture of the activities. A mong the main principles of co-evolution there are anthropocosmism, complementary dialogue, universal humanism; the principles of dialectical addition, interaction, interpenetration of forms and methods, unity through diversity, integration, consolidation, intellectualization, evolutionary correlation; they are combine into groups according to the hierarchy: co-evolutionary-stochastic, system-forming, noospheric. O. V. Voskoboinikova-Huzieva, K. V. Lobuzina, N. V. Lopatina, A. V. Sokolov, Yu. Yu. Chornyi and others pay attention to the new possibilities of the development of libraries, connected with co-evolutionary principles. The co-evolution of the technocratic and humanistic directions of the development of libraries according to A. Sokolov is based on the dependence and complementarity of the spiritual development of the individual and the technological development of the society. The search for strategies for the further development of the library is closely connected with the theoretical foundations of co-evolutionary innovation, the essence of which is to create new mechanisms for managing social processes in the direction of overcoming crisis situations. N. V. Lopatina and Yu. Yu. Chornyi suggest the hypothesis of the priority development of libraries on the basis of increasing their participation in the structuring and functioning of the information environment. Novelty consists in substantiation of the co-evolutionary strategy of the priority development of libraries. For searching for the strategies of the development of libraries the author thinks it advisable to use a co-evolutionary approach based on the interdependence of internal library processes and the external environment. This approach emphasizes and allows us to identify the multidimensional strategic directions associated with the transition of libraries from an adaptive strategy to the priority one through integration, consolidation, and intellectualization processes based on the principles of coherence, co-ordination, and unity through diversity.

Keywords: library, strategies, coevolution, coevolutionary innovation, anticipating development strategy.

Author(s) citation:

Shemaieva Hanna (2017). Coevolutionary Strategies of Libraries’ Development. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (5) 15-19. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2017_5_4


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