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Трачук Л. - Ментальні та концептуальні моделі бібліотечних веб-сайтів (2017)

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Trachuk L.

Mental and Conceptual Models of Library Web Sites

Abstract: Concepts «experience of co-operation», «mental model», «conceptual model» in relation to library web sites are considered. It is noted, that the instantaneous feeling and reactions of user, which arose up as a result of the use of library web site, determine exactly, whether he will appeal to this resource once again. It is marked, that the mortgage of success of library web site is accordance of its conceptual model to the mental model of users.

Keywords: experience of co-operation, mental model, conceptual model, library user, library web site.

Author(s) citation:

Trachuk L. (2017). Mental and Conceptual Models of Library Web Sites. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (4) 8-12. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2017_4_4


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