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Ржеуський А. - Роль бібліотек як соціальних інститутів в інформаційному забезпеченні e-Science, Веретеннікова Н., Малиновський О., Кунанець Н. (2016)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2016, Issue 3)Ukrainian English

Rzheuskyi A. , Veretennikova N., Malynovskyi O., Kunanets N.

The role of libraries as social institutions providing information support of e-Science

Abstract: The main stages of scientific research within e-science are analyzed and revealed, namely it is generation of ideas; information management; proposal writing; research work; publication of results; research preservation. The library technology and library experts have the key place in research projects. The article focuses on the systematic self-development of librarians in the process of mastery and application of innovative technologies in the work to meet the needs of e-science.

Keywords: e-science, scientific research, library technology, cloud technology, librarian, electronic archive

Author(s) citation:

Rzheuskyi A. (2016). The role of libraries as social institutions providing information support of e-Science. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, (3) 3-9. (In Ukrainan). - http://bv.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/bv_2016_3_3